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My Work is a menu category in the Navigation Menu created for ITSM agents to have quick access to tasks and absences, created by them or assigned to them.

In SimpleOne, My Work category has the following items and looks like this:

Menu Item nameDescription
Tasks Assigned to Me

A list view containing records from the ITSM Tasks table, which is a parent to the following tables: Incident, Request, Problem, Change, Task.

The list contains only uncompleted tasks assigned to the current user, i.e., the State field is not Completed or Closed, and the Assigned User field contains the ID of the current user. 

Records are sorted by the time of creation, so the latest records are at the top of the list.

Tasks Assigned to My Groups

A list view containing records from the ITSM Tasks table, which is a parent to the following tables: Incident, Request, Problem, Change, Task.

The list contains only uncompleted tasks assigned to the user's group, i.e., the State field is not Completed or Closed, and the Assignment Group field contains the ID of the group to which the current user belongs. 

Records are sorted by the time of creation, so the latest records are at the top of the list.

Tasks Created by Me

A list view containing records from the ITSM Tasks table, which is a parent to the following tables: Incident, Request, Problem, Change, Task.

The list contains all tasks created by the current user, i.e., records where the Caller field contains the ID of the current user.

Records are sorted by the time of creation, so the latest records are at the top of the list.

My AbsencesA list view containing records from the Absence table and related to the current user, i.e., the Employee field contains the ID of the current user.

Records are sorted by the time of creation, so the latest records are at the top of the list.

My Approval Tasks

A list view containing records from the Approval table and related to the current user, i.e., the Approver field contains the ID of the current user.

Records are sorted by the time of creation, so the latest records are at the top of the list.

You can change filters or implement additional ones if needed on the list by clicking the funnel icon . Please note that they will not be saved as default filters for the menu item. To change the default settings for the Tasks Assigned to Me menu item, please read the Navigation article.

To learn more about filters, please read Condition Builder and Condition Operators articles.

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