SimpleOne Report Designer is a powerful tool for data analysis, generating and configuring reports. It allows using SimpleOne tables as sources for building combined datasets and, then, visualizing it in graphical charts.
The Report Designer provides a four-step guide for report generating. Use the left-side menu to navigate through the following tabs:
- Data: this tab allows setting a data source with one of the SimpleOne data tables.
- Type: select a type of report you want to create.
- Configure: provides to establish the dataset and criteria for analyzing it.
- Style: customize the report look with style settings.
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To navigate through the Report Designer, use the Back and Next buttons, or click the tabs. |
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Report Designer features
View reports
The reports you save are available in one the Reports list.
To view a report you created, follow the steps:
- Navigate to Reports → All Reports.
- In a list, open Open the desired report record you need.
- On the form appeared, click Click View Report to open the report in a the Report Designer.
The Report Designer can stop building a previously created report if there is a large amount of data to display. Use Condition Builder to limit the data sampling or try another type of report.
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The All category is empty until a user creates any report.
Drill down the down the report data
In Report Designer, graphical charts allow drilling down the report data in the list view. The lists generated are list is sorted with the Condition Builder settings according to the report configuration and selected elements of the chart.
To drill down the data slice, hover and click the desired graphical element.
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See Customize the the Report Style article to learn more about configuring list layouts for the report data to detail. |
Build your reports specifying the source data, type, configuration, and style settings.
Use the Report Designer features to print, download, or export your report to share it with others.
customizationThe SimpleOne system properties allow configuring the Report Designer data processing. Use system default settings to limit the data groups and records displayed.
Bar Reports
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Bar Reports display categorized data as in vertical bars with lengths which length is proportional to the data values they represent. . Stack or group bars to make the chart representation visual and clear. Tip |
This report view is useful for dividing data into categories and comparing them | . Stack or group bars to make the chart representation visual and clear 
Pie Reports
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Pie reports Reports display data in a circular graphic divided into slices. The whole graph represents the entire report data along with each slice proportionally displaying a particular data category. . Tip |
This report view is useful to compare the proportions of individual values to the whole. |
Create Pie Reports 
Gauge Reports
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Gauge Reports represent a single metric value from the table data by via the gauge panel with a dial on it. It Tip |
This report view is useful for | assessing value criticality according to the | allowable   
Digit Reports
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Make simple reports with Digit Reports provide a digit representation of a single metric value. These charts are Tip |
This report view is useful for monitoring the critical parameters by clear visual presentation. |

Line Reports
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Line Reports represent data as a line graph of points connected by segments line and visualizing visualize the metric data values. These charts are useful Tip |
This report view is useful for comparing data per time periods (years, months, etc.). |
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Pivot Tables
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Pivot Tables Reports represent your data in a table view with aggregating, grouping, and analyzing using two metrics . The data is aggregated, grouped, and analyzed basing on two metrics (as row and column for your chart. This report type is useful ). Tip |
This report view is useful for issues of comparing, summarizing, and counting a large amount of data. |

Multilevel Pivot Tables Reports
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Pivot Tables Reports represent your data in a table view with aggregating, grouping, and analyzing using . The data is aggregated, grouped, and analyzed basing on more than two metrics (as columns and cells for your chart). type is useful view is useful for issues of comparing, summarizing, and counting a large amount of data. |

Heatmap Reports
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Heatmap Reports display your data as the intersection of two metrics in a table with colored cells. These cells contain data values visualized with color brightness. 
Trend Reports
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Trend reports show the dynamics of data changes. The data is represented as columns over periods , which . Tip |
This report view is useful for monitoring time parameters. |

List Reports
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60 | List Reports represent table data in a list view.
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