SimpleOne supports multilanguage localizationmultilanguage localization. You can add the language you need and translate the interface elements accordingly. In the out-of-the-box SimpleOne solution, two languages are available: Russian and English.
You can localize the following elements:
You can upload it translations into the system, set up links between the localized version and the original version.
Add a language
To add a new language, please follow the steps below:
- Navigate to System Localization → Languages.
- Click New and fill in the fields.
- In the Language field, specify the language code of localization. You can write no more than two symbols. Then fill in the Name field.
- Click Save or Save and Exitexit.
Now you can refer to this Language (sys_language) table to build your localization. The language will also appear in the Preferences Menu menu.
Localize interface elements
Note |
Before starting the localization, check that all necessary languages are created in the Languages (sys_language) table. |
You can localize fields of the Translated Text type in two ways:
To add new translations, complete the steps below: Anchor |
| new record translation |
| new record translation |
- Open the record for which you want need to add a translation.
- Navigate to the Related Lists area.
- In On the Translations tab, click New and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and Exitexit to apply the changes.
Info |
Another way to add localization via System Translations is the following: - Navigate to System Localization → System Translations.
- Click New and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and Exitexit.
In this case, you should type add the record ID manually. |
Translated text System Translation form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Column | Y | Specify the column name containing the field that you need to translate. |
Language | Y | Specify the language of the translation. |
The field references to the records stored in the Languages (sys_language) table.YType Add the translation of the original value. |
Record | Y |
Unique A unique ID number of the record. |
Automatically It is filled in automatically, if you translate via Related Lists of the record. If the ID field is empty, type the ID of the record. |
To localize elements by switching the system language, perform the following steps: Anchor |
| switched language |
| switched language |
- Open the record you need to translate.
- In the Settings Preferences menu, change the language of the system to the localized one.
- Enter a new translation.
- If the system language is English, you should type the new value in English.
- Click Save or Save and Exitexit to apply the changes.
To check if the translation is saved correctly, scroll down to In the Related Lists area, and open select the Translations tab to check if the translation is saved correctly.
Choice list localization Anchor |
| choice list translation |
| choice list translation |
The localization of choice list option options differ from the localization of any field of the Translated Text. To localize a choice list, complete the steps below:
- Navigate to System Definition → Settings → Choice Options.
- Click New and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and Exitexit to apply the changes.
Translated choice option form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Table | Y | Specify the table to which this choice option is related |
to. Note |
Select the same table for the translated version as for the original one. |
Column | Y | Specify the column to which this choice option is related |
to. Note |
Select the same column for the translated version as for the original one. |
Title | Y |
Type Add the translation of the source |
fieldHere specify Specify the language code (ru, en, and so on). |
Generally, references to languages Languages records are stored in |
the the Languages (sys_language) table. |
Value | Y | Type the same value as specified for the source |
field in the original versionPlease do Do not enter the translation in this field. |
Value can be used in the business logic. It is not displayed in the interface.
Order | Y | Enter the number to define the option order in the choice list. |
Repeat these steps for other choice options.
Note |
If some of the choice options were not fully localized, choice lists with untranslated options will display English values by default, regardless of the current user locale. To avoid such situations, please be careful use caution when adding option values to your choice lists. |
Localize messages Anchor |
| static interface elements |
| static interface elements |
To localize static interface such elements , such as welcome messages, informational or warning messages, some other kinds of messages, and also Condition condition operators, you will need two tables:
- the Source Messages (source_message) table – contains original messages in English.
- the Messages (message) table – contains localized messages in the user's languages (Russian, HindiGerman, etc).
source_message Anchor |
| source message field |
| source message field |
message Anchor |
| message fields |
| message fields |
Type | MessagesReference | Reference to the Source Messages (source_message) tableSpecify the source message that needs a translation. |
Language | Y |
String | Here specify Specify the language code (ru, en, and so on). |
Generally, references to languages are stored in the Languages (sys_language) table.Text | The Ass a translated message. |
These two tables are bound by ID. It means that every message in the Source Messages table has a unique ID, and its translated version in the Messages table has the same ID.
For example, the "Login" record in the Source Messages table has ID 15596431050000002, as well as the "Логин" record has in the Messages table.
To add new translations of the message via Source Messages, please complete the steps below:
- Navigate to System Localization → Source Messages.
- Open the necessary record.
- Open the Messages tab in the Related Lists area.
- Click New and Click New and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and Exitexit.
You can also see the translated variants of any message in the Messages table.
To There is another way to localize a message, please take . To do so, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to System Localization → Messages.
- Click New and fill in the fields. In the field Source Messages Message field, you should specify the exact message you want need to localize.
- Click Save or Save and Exitexit.
Warning |
Do not change original messages in the Source Messages table. It can cause malfunction on the instance. If you need to make changes in any source message, create a copy of it in the Messages table with the necessary text and fill in the Language field with the 'en' value value. |
Edit translations
Editing the translation of interface Interface elements
There are two ways to edit translated elements of the table. To edit any record via the Related Lists area, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the record you want need to edit.
- In the Related Lists area, open the Translations tab.
- Find the translation that needs editing, change the Value field.
- Make necessary changes, click Click Save or Save and Exitexit.
Tip |
Another There is another way to edit the translation is via the the System Translations table. To perform the editing, please complete the steps below: - Navigate to System Localization → System Translations.
- Open the recond record that needs requires changes and edit it.
- Edit it, click Click Save or Save and Exitexit.
Editing the translation of choice Choice options
The steps for editing the translation of choice options is similar to creating translations.
To edit the translation of choice options, take the following steps:
- Navigate to System Definition → Settings → Choice Options.
- Open the necessary record . Edit and edit the Title field.
- Make necessary changes, click Click Save or Save and Exitexit.
Editing the translation of messagesMessages
Since the two tables Source Messages (source_message)and Messages (message) are bound by the same ID, you can edit flash messages, Condition Operators condition operators in both of them.
To make changes via the Messages (message) table, complete these steps:
- Navigate to System Localization → Messages.
- Open the necessary message or operator .
- Edit Translation.
- and edit the Translation field value.
- Click Make changes, click Save or Save and Exitexit.
Tip |
To edit the translation via the Source Messages (source_message), take the following steps: - System Localization → Source Messages.
- Open
Navigate to - the necessary message.
- In the Related Lists, open the Messages tab and find the translation you need. Edit the Translation field value.
- Edit it, click Click Save or Save and Exitexit.