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Notification rules are set up in such a way that when conditions are met or some event happens, the emails are sent to interested parties.

You can create new notification rules, or modify existing ones. 


Role required: notification_admin.

Create a rule

To create a notification rule, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the System Notification → Notification Rules.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exitexit to apply the changes.

You can also create a notification rule through a form or a related list:

  1. Open the hamburger burger-menu .
  2. Select Configure → Notification Rules.
  3. Click New and fill in the fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.exit to apply changes.

Notification Rule form fields

NameYSpecify a notification rule name.
TableYSelect the target table for notifications. For example, to create a notification for some incidents, select the Incident table.
ActiveNSelect this checkbox to activate the notification rule.
InheritedNSelect this checkbox to apply this notification rule to child tables of the selected table. For example, if you select the Task table, this rule is also applied to the Incident, Problem, and other child tables of this table.
When to Send tab
Send whenY

Specify when the notification should be sent. Available choice options:

  • Record inserted or updated – notification is sent after record inserting or updating in the table specified. Select the relevant checkboxes.
  • Event is fired – notification is sent after an event is fired.
InsertedNSelect this checkbox to send the notification when a record is inserted into the Table.
UpdatedNSelect this checkbox to send the notification when a record is updated in the Table.
Event registerY

Specify an event. It is used by the system to register when specified conditions are met and to take some actions in response to the conditions.

This field appears when the Event is fired option is selected in the Send when field.


Specify conditions to meet before sending the notification. Use the condition builder to build a filter that meets all the necessary requirements.


An empty condition always returns true.

Who will Receive tab
Other recipientsN

Add contacts who will receive the notification. Available values in this field:

  • One or more email addresses separated by comma or semicolon (for example,;,
  • A template string containing reference to the current user or email objects. For example, ${current.caller}${current.requestor.personal_email}. These template strings support the dot-walking.
  • A template string containing reference to a record in Notification Script (sys_notification_script) table. For example, ${script:callerManagerEmail}

The value in this field can combine the options above. For example: ${current.caller.personal_email}; ${script:callerManagerEmail}


Check your template strings before using them within the system. For example:

The ${} template string will not work properly because the Caller field of the User table does not have the Manager attribute.


Select the users who will receive the notification within this rule.


If a user's email is also specified in the Other recipients field, the system sends only one notification.

Send to selfN

Select this checkbox to send the notification to a person that initiated notification sending if this person is in the recipient list. Otherwise, the notification initiator address will be excluded from the To field of the notification email.


Note that:

  1. Emails without a recipient's address (the To field is empty) are not sent. They are in the Ignored state.
  2. If the Send to self attribute is false, and the email has only the notification caller as a recipient, the notification rule creates an email with the Ignored state.

Exclude delegatesNSelect this checkbox to ignore the notification rule for delegates.
What will Contain tab
SubjectNEnter a notification subject. Notification variables and placeholders are supported here.
Notification templateNSelect a relevant notification template from the list.
MessageNType a notification body in plain text. Notification variables and placeholders are supported here.
Message HTMLN

Type a notification template in rich text format. This field supports HTML tags, placeholders, notification variables.


You can also use notification variables ${URI} and ${URI_REF} here. Their usage is described in the Notification Templates article.


The server-side business logic may not work for system tables if the creation or updating of records is initiated by the backend. For example, an Import Set is created as part of loading an Import Source, or an Email is created as a result of a notification rule, and so on.

A list of table examples for which the server-side business logic may not work:

  • Main Log (sys_log)
  • Script Log (sys_log_script)
  • Exception Log (sys_log_exception)
  • Record Deletion Log (sys_record_deletion_log)
  • Import Set (sys_import_set)
  • Activity Feed Item (sys_activity_feed_item)
  • Email (sys_email)

Use Use case

You need to configure a basic notification for the Employee table. When a new employee is added, all employees receive a notification.

To implement this logic, create the following notification rule:

NameNew employee


When to Send tab
Send whenRecord inserted or updated
Who will Receive tab
Other recipients com 


This address represents a mailing list.

What will Contain tab
SubjectNew employee in the ${current.department} department
Message${current.display_name} is in our team!

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