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A choice field provides several predefined options to choose from. Only , and only one option can be selected.

In the SimpleOne interface, choice fields are displayed as drop-down lists, as in the example below:Image Removedin two ways:



Drop-down list

Image Added


Radio buttons

Image Added

Create a choice



This column database value can value can contain all kinds of symbols. If the string length is not set, then it is limited to 80 symbols.To create

When creating a


Choice column,

 please complete the following steps:
  1. Navigate to the System Definition → All Tables.
  2. Open the table for which you want to create a column.
  3. Scroll down to the Related Lists area and click on the Columns tab.
  4. Click New and fill in the fields.
  5. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

You can also open the form this way:

  1. Navigate to System Definition → All Columns.
  2. Click New, and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.
Please note that in this case, you will

in addition to the mandatory fields, you need to fill in the

 Table field manually.Column form fields

following fields:

TableColumn TypeY

Specify a column type: Choice.

TitleYA column title displayed on the form. It is preferred to be sensible and human-readable. Latin, Cyrillic, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ) are allowed.Column NameY

A system column name. It is preferred to be human-readable and keep the kind of stored data. Latin letters, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ) are allowed.

CommentsNWrite a comment with the additional information.ActiveN

Select this checkbox, and customizing of this field displayed on the form and list will be possible.

If unselected, then such a field will be not available for choosing in Form Layout or List layout.

Read OnlyNSelect this checkbox to make the field read-only.
Column typeY

Specify the

table name that will be a parent for this column. This field is a reference to the Tables dictionary (sys_db_table).

Choice column type.

MandatoryNSelect this checkbox to make the field mandatory (
applicable for Choice columns with Choice
type = Dropdown with -- None --).
Full Text SearchNSet this attribute equal to TRUE to make it possible to perform a Global Search against the current column.Display by RefN

When a record references to another record and the table or column containing this record has the attribute Display by Ref equal to TRUE, then the column value will be displayed.

If a table contains a field that has Display by Ref = TRUE, the value of this field will be displayed when referencing this table in the Reference field of the referencing table.

UniqueNWhen turned on, no way to add a record with a value of this field, if a record with the same value already exists.Type Specification tabChoice TableNReference to a table.Choice Type
Type Specification tab
Choice tableNSpecify a table that has a column with choice options.
Choice fieldYSpecify a particular column of the Choice table that contains choice options.
Choice typeY

Define whether the option



" is

 is applicable for the field. Available options:

  • Dropdown with --None--
  • Dropdown without --None-- (
  • specify a default value)

If the Dropdown without --None-- is


selected, the

Dafault value

Default Value tab becomes mandatory.

Choice Field
Extra attributes

Enter the text below to apply the radio button style to the choice field:

Code Block

Image Added

Reference to a particular column of the table specified in the Choice Table field.

Default Value tab

The value of a choice option to be populated


automatically by default. Check the value of a field in the Choice

Options dictionary

options (sys_choice) table.

The field is mandatory if the Choice


type is Dropdown without --None--




specify a default value).

Dynamic Default
dynamic defaultNSelect this checkbox
to specify the Dynamic Default field.
if you need the value to generate dynamically. 
Dynamic default
Dynamic Default

Select the script from the Dynamic Default Values (sys_default_value_dynamic) 


table, so its execution result will be automatically calculated and entered into this field. This value will be the default value for the column specified.

This field appears only when the Use

Dynamic Default attribute is set to TRUE

dynamic default checkbox is selected.

  1. The script must be
  1. preliminarily created in the Dynamic Default Values (sys_default_value_dynamic) 
  1. table; otherwise, you will be not able to choose it.
  2. You can
  1. select only active scripts (the Active attribute is equal to Yes).

Sources for choice options

There are three ways to define a set of choices for the drop-down lists:

  • by inheriting values from a parent table (if the current table is a child to of another one);.
  • by creating a set of records for this field in the Choice Options dictionary (sys_choice) ;table.
  • by defining a source table and its column in column in the Type Specification tab.

In the second case, you may need to create a different set of choices if the column is inherited and has predefined options. See Overriding of choice options set for child tableColumn Override to learn more.

In the third case, the available options are taken from a particular column of a source table. In the example below, the choice table Role contains a column Name and some records where Name is not empty. The choice options will be values of the Name column in this table.

Image Modified

Create a choice option


Before creating a set of options for a particular table and column, please make sure that this column is already created (navigate to System Definition → Settings → All Columns).

To create a choice option for a column table, please perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the choice column, for which you need to create a set of options.
  2. Scroll down to In the Related Lists area and click on the , select the Choice tab.
  3. Click New, and  and fill in the fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to exit to apply the changes.

You can also open the form this the following way:

  1. Navigate to System Definition Settings → Choice Options.
  2. Click New, and  and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to exit to apply the changes.

Please note Note that in this case, you will need to fill in the Table and Column fields manually.

Choice option form fields


Specify the table to which this choice option is related.

Select the same table for the translated choice version as for the original one.


Specify the column to which this choice option is related.

Select the same column for the translated choice version as for the original one.

TitleYType the translation title of the source field thereoption. 
LanguageYSpecify the two-symbol name of the language (ru, en,  and and so on). Generally, references to languages are stored in the Languages (sys_language) table.
ValueYType Specify the same value as specified for the source fieldof the option.
OrderYEnter the number to define the option order in the choice list (options are arranged in the ist. Options are arranged in ascending order).
HintNText hint. This field is not mandatory.


An easier A quick way to quickly create several options for the same column is to use Insert and StayMake a copy:

  1. After saving a choice option, change the Title, Value, Order fields values.
  2. In the hamburger menu , choose Insert and Stay Image Added, select Make a copy. A copy of the current choice option record will be created and saved.
You can also use this way to create a translation for the choice options. After saving the
  1. record
, enter the translation in the Title field and specify the language in the Language field. Then click Insert and Stay. A copy of the current choice option for the specified language
  1. will be created and saved
. Please note that the Value field has to remain unchanged.

Overriding of choice options set for child table

Override allows changing choice options set for the child tables extended from the base table. For example, the parent table has the following options for a choice column State: New, Rejected, Processed. An overriding can change the quantity of these options or the options themselves in the child table. For example, for the State new set can be Draft, New, Assigned, Completed, Rejected
  1. .

When creating a choice field option, it is recommended to set text values in the the Value field to increase code readability. For example, it can be incoming, or active, or failed values for Incoming, Active, and Failed choice options, respectively.

Regarding As for task states, it makes sense to make values numericalnumeric; this can help with selection construction (see the code sample below).

Code Block

in code.

Choice list translation

task.addQuery('state', '>', '2'); // all states after In Progress

To create a new translation for the choice options set, please perform complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the column for which you want to create a new set.
  2. Scroll down to the Related Lists area and choose the Choice tab.
  3. Click New and fill in the fields.
  4. to System Settings → Choice Options.
  5. Open the option Fill in the Table field with the name of the table for which you need to configure create a new options set.
  6. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

You also can find the form this way:

  1. Navigate to the System Definition → Choice Options.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Please note that in this case, you will need to fill in the Task and Column fields manually.

To learn how to change the column attributes, please see the Column Overriding article.

Choice list translation

You can provide a set of options for a choice field with localization, which will be displayed in user locale.

To localize a choice list, please complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System Definition → Choice Options.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Make sure the Value fields of an option in both languages are equal.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.
  5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 for the rest of the options on the list.
  1. translation.
  2. Enter the translation in the Title field and specify the language in the Language field.
  3. Click Make a copy. A

An easier way to quickly localize a set of options for the same column is to use Insert and Stay.

  • After saving a choice option, insert the translation in the Title field and specify the language in the Language field.
  • In the hamburger menu, choose Insert and Stay. A
    1. copy of the current choice option for the specified language will be created and saved. 

    Note that the Value field has to remain unchanged. 

    Image Modified

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    If some of the choice options were are not localized (for example, some added choice options in English but didn't add their translations), then in user locale other than English, choice the choice lists containing untranslated options will display them in English by default, regardless of the current user locale.To avoid this, please be careful when adding options to your choice lists.  

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