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There are two types of objects in the system: tables and columns. Tables consist of columns . Both of these objects can be created via the agent interfacethat store different information depending on the type.


Role required: admin.

You can create a column in two ways:

  • via table forms.
  • by adding a record to the All Columns (sys_db_column) table.

Columns You can be added add columns only to existing tables.

To create a column via a table form, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System Definition Settings All Tables.
  2. Choose Open the table you need to add a column to.
  3. Scroll down to In the Related Lists area and , select the Column Columns tab.
  4. Click New and fill in the formfields.
  5. Click Save or Save and Exitexit to apply the changes.

To create a column record in the All Columns table, complete the following steps below:

  1. Navigate to System DefinitionSettings → All Columns.
  2. Click New and fill in the formfields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exitexit to apply the changes.

A column can be configured from any form it is displayed on. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Open any record in the table that contains the column you need to modify.

Column attributes

  1. Right-click the title of the required field → Configure field.

Column form fields

Note that after activating this attribute, search indices (records in the Search Indices (sys_search_index) table) for the column will not be created automatically. To create these indices, update the records

When selected, search indices are created for the column values.




Specify the table in which the column should be created. If this table has child tables, then this column will also be added to them.

This field references to the the Tables (sys_db_table) dictionary.

After the record is saved, this field becomes read-only.

Column type

Column Type


Specify a column type. The column type specifies the type of the data stored. Depending on the type selected, additional tabs or fields may appear on the form (see below). For more information, refer to the See Column Types article to learn more.

After the record is saved, this field becomes read-only.



Specify a column title displayed


in the


interface. It should be


meaningful and human-readable. You can use Latin or Cyrillic letters, [0..9] numbers and the underscore symbol ( _ ).

The Title field can be translated to other languages.

Column name 

Column Name


System column name. This field is populated automatically, depending on the title entered Title entered, and becomes read-only after the record is saved. Latin letters, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ) are allowed. The system name must begin with a letter.

System column names are used in scripts.


Column name prefixes are added, depending on the circumstances listed below:

  1. If you create a column within any table related to vendor applications (Simple, ITSM, or Personal Schedule), then this column automatically gets the "c_" prefix. For example:

    TitleColumn name
    New columnc_new_column

  2. If you create a column within a table related to non-vendor applications, then the prefix is not added.


NPut Add some comments here describing that describe the column.



Select the checkbox to activate or deactivate the column.

If unselectednot selected, the column will be is not visible available in the Form Layoutform layout or List list layout configuration.





Select the checkbox to make the field read-only.


The Read Only attribute is not available for selection when the Journal Input type is chosen in the Column Type fieldThis checkbox is hidden if the Column type is set to Journal Input


NSelect the checkbox to make the field mandatory.


Text Search

text search


Select the checkbox to make it possible to perform a Global Searchglobal search against the current column


Display by




Enable the attribute Display by Ref,so the column value will be displayed Select the checkbox to display the column values instead of record IDs in the reference fields.

By default, this attribute is set equal to 'true' for the sys_id column this column contains unique IDs.

that refer to the Table.

A table can have only one column with this checkbox selected. If another column is set as a displayed field, the previously selected Display by ref checkbox is clearedIf a table contains a column that has Display by Ref equal to 'true', the value of this field will be displayed when referencing this table in the Reference field.


NSelect the checkbox to forbid to add prevent from creating a new record with a certain value, in the Table if a record with the same value in this column already exists.

Type Specification


In SimpleOne, several column types have an extended attribute set. In addition to the standard field set, these column types demonstrate a dynamic change of the sys_db_column object attribute set depending on its type. Some of these attributes can be defined in the Type Specification tab.

titleMost column types can have a limited number of characters defined by the Max Length field.


The presence of this section on the column form and the field available to vary depending on the Column type selected.






Specify the maximum value length for the


value. The value length cannot exceed the allowed length for the specified data type. These limitations, if any, are specified in the Column Types article.

titleThe field is displayed in the section for the following column types
  • Encrypted Password
  • HTML
  • Journal Input
  • Password
  • Record Class
  • Script
  • String
  • Template
  • Text
  • Translated text
  • URL

The Choice, Conditions, Reference, List, Image, Template, and Field Name column types have a specific set of fields. See the description in the sections below.

See the Choice Fields article to learn more about this column type.


Choice table

NSpecify a table that contains the choice options.

Choice field

YSpecify a column of the Choice table to use its values as choice options.

Choice type


Select the list type. Available options:

  • Dropdown with --None--
  • Dropdown without --None-- (specify a default value)

If the Dropdown without --None-- is selected, the Default Value section becomes mandatory.

Extra attributes


Input the text below to apply the radio buttons style to the choice field:

Code Block

Image Added

Conditions column type

Dependent on columnYSpecify a reference column of the Table. The column should have the table_id name and reference to the Table dictionary to build conditions.
Extra attributesN

Specify the extended condition operators. For example:


These operators become available for use in the condition builder.

Reference column type

See the Reference Fields article to learn more about this column type.

ReferenceYSpecify a table with the values you need.
On deleteN

Define actions to be taken in case the referenced record is deleted. Available options:

  • No action – no actions will be taken.
  • Set NULL – the reference to this record will be deleted from the field (the value will be equal to null).


    When deleting a record A, an update error of a record B will occur if the record has a column that references the record A is mandatory and the Action on delete for this column is Set NULL.

    Code Block
    Unable to update the {link} record because it references to the deleted one

  • Cascade – a record containing a reference to the deleted record will be deleted as well.
  • Restrict – deletion of the referenced record is forbidden.
  • Set default value – the reference to the column will be changed to the default value defined in the Default Value section.


    Make sure that you set the default value on the Default Value tab if the Set default value option is selected. In case the default value is not set, and the referenced record is deleted, the reference to this record will be deleted from the field (the value will be equal to null).

Image column type

Extra attributesN

Specify the maximum image width and height. For example:

Default Value tab
No Format
width=1600 height=800

Field Name and Template column types

Dependent on columnY

Specify a reference column of the Table. The column should have the table_id name and reference to the Table dictionary to build conditions.

Default Value section 
default value
default value

The Default Value tab section is available for all column types.


Default Valuevalue


Specify a default value that will be populated automatically to the field when a new record is created. 

The field is mandatory when the Choice type is Dropdown without --None-- (specify a default value).

Use dynamic defaultUse Dynamic Default

NSelect the checkbox if you want to generate the default value dynamically.

Dynamic Defaultdefault


This field appears only when the Use Dynamic Defaultdynamic default attribute is set to 'true'.

Select the script from the Dynamic Default Values (sys_default_value_dynamic) dictionarytable, so its execution results will be are automatically calculated and entered into this field. This value will be the default value for the column specified.

  1. The script must preliminarily be created in the Dynamic Default Values (sys_default_value_dynamic) dictionarytable; otherwise, you will not be able to choose select it.
  2. You can choose select only active scripts (the Active attribute checkbox is selected).

Reference Qualifier

tab InfoThe Reference Qualifier tab


The section appears for the following column types:

  • Field Name
  • List
  • Reference

Reference Qualifier Typequalifier type


Select the type of reference qualifier. Available options:

  • Simple
  • Dynamic.

Reference Qualifier Conditionqualifier condition


Configure the filters using the condition builder.

This field appears when the Reference Qualifier Typequalifier type value is Simple.

Dynamic Reference Qualifierreference qualifier


Select the dynamic reference qualifier from the list.

This field appears when the Reference Qualifier Typequalifier type value is Dynamic.

Reference Qualifier Fixedqualifier fixed

NSelect the checkbox to fix filters in the breadcrumbs of the dictionary table when using this field. This functionality will block using blocks the use of the condition builder functionality.

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