The following attributes are applicable:
Attribute | Type | Mandatory | Description |
canCreate | Boolean | N | Set the attribute equal to 'true' to add the button Image Added for creating a new record. The default value is 'false'. |
canRead | Boolean | N | If you set the attribute equal to 'false', the referred dictionary will not be available. The default value is 'true'. |
class | String | N |
This attribute allows defining CSS styles classes description and specifyingSpecify the CSS class name defined in the CSS field. |
condition | String | N | Specify a condition query. Note |
This attribute takes a decoded condition as a value. To decode a query condition, use server methods as recommended. |
isFixed | Boolean | N |
When is equal , then so the condition value cannot be changed. |
isMandatory | Boolean | N |
This attribute makes a Make the field mandatory. For this, set the attribute |
value ""If this Disable the widget displaying. This attribute is equal to |
"true" (by default), then the widget is displayed; otherwise, it is not displayed 'true' by default. |
label | String | N |
A Describe the field content by giving a field label with text information |
generally describes the field contentThis points to point to the client controller |
data data object. When the model data changes, it is automatically transferred to the data of the client script. |
readOnly | Boolean | N |
This attribute allows setting a status to the field it the attribute equal to 'true'. |
style | String | N |
This attribute specifies Specify the display settings (size, font, color, etc.) of the widget elements using the CSS syntax. |
tableName | String | Y |
Connection with a table by its nameSpecify the name of the table to which this tag will be bound. |
value | Array | N | Specify an array containing references to other fields. |
Code Block |
language | xml |
title | List |
linenumbers | true |
<list label="Configuration Item" model="data.element" tableName="cmdb" isMandatory="true" condition="{data.condition}" value='[{"database_value":"","display_value":""},{"database_value":"1","display_value":"First"},{"database_value":"2","display_value":"Second"}]'></list> |