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Portal forms description

In this article you will find description descriptions of all records record forms related to theportal structure.

Portal record

TitleNInternal Specify an internal portal title.
Path NameN

Specify a URL suffix to use in a portal URL. For example, if you type portal, the instance URL for this portal will be



This value should be unique and


cannot be used by other portals.

LogoNSpecify a portal logo appearing in the page header.
FaviconNSpecify a portal favicon appearing in the tab header.

Portal SCSS Variables
Portal SCSS Variables
SCSS variables

NDefine the portal-specific SCSS classes developed to customize the portal.

Portal SCSS Styles
Portal SCSS Styles
SCSS styles

NDefine the portal-specific SCSS styles developed to customize the portal.
Select this the checkbox to make the portal active or inactive.
Login PageNSpecify a login page login page for the portal, selecting a preferred one from the dictionary (you dictionary. You can skip this step and get back to it later after you create the necessary pages).
Home PageNSpecify a home page for the portal, selecting a preferred one from the dictionary (you dictionary. You can skip this step and get back to it later after creating the necessary pages).
404 PageNSpecify a 404 error page error page for the portal, selecting a preferred one from the dictionary (you dictionary. You can skip this step and get back to it later after creating the necessary pages).
Footer ContainerNSpecify a portal footer selecting footer selecting a preferred one from the container list (you . You can skip this step and step and get back to it later after creating the necessary containers).
Header ContainerNSpecify a portal header selecting header selecting a preferred one from the container list (you . You can skip this step and step and get back to it later after creating the necessary containers).
Header Navigation MenuNSpecify a reference to portal header menu (that is implemented with the correspondingtree).

Portal page

For more information, please refer to the Portal Pages article.

TitleNSpecify a page title.
DescriptionNSpecify a page description.
Path NameY

Specify a URL suffix to be used in a portal URL. For example, if you type page, and the portal suffix typed earlier is portal, the URL for this page will be



The value should be unique within the portal, but it can be used when configuring other portals.

Options tab. This tab is responsible for the page template configuringconfiguration.
Dynamic Link NameNThe Define a page title to use in the breadcrumbs and the sidebar menu.
Dynamic Page TitleNSpecify a title to display on the page form.
Select this the checkbox to make the page active or inactive. When it is active, you can use this the page for portal needs.

Select this the checkbox to make this the page visible for unauthorized users. 


In fact, when this the checkbox is selected, the page is for in public access, so use it cautiously.

Use for Home Page
Select this the checkbox to use this the page as a home page (, a page you want users to see when they sign in).
Use Portal Header
Select this the checkbox to use this the page as a portal header.
Use Portal Footer

Select this the checkbox to use this the page as a portal footer.

Styles tab. This tab is responsible for page customizing.
SCSS VariablesNDefine the page-specific SCSS variables customizing the page. The defined variables defined there override the ones variables defined on the portal level (in the SCSS variables field of the Portal table).
SCSS StylesDefine the page-specific SCSS styles customizing the page. The entered styles entered there to override the ones styles defined on the portal level (in the Portal table's SCSS styles field).
Background ImageNAttach an image to use as a background for your page. The maximum size of the image is 20 Mb.
Background ColorN

Select the page background color. These colors are preconfigured and stored in the Colors (sys_color)

 dictionary. To



Please contact your vendor to add a custom

color different from the existing one, please contact your vendor

color that is not included in the Color (sys_color) dictionary.

Portal node




PortalNSpecify a portal (a record created earlier) to define a structure with this the portal node.
Parent NodeNSpecify a parent node ID. This ID is used as a high-level element for menus and breadcrumbs.
PageNSpecify a page containing a template to define a structure with this the portal node.
Item TableNSpecify the a table containing the portal items. For example, it can be the Article (article) table.
Item Parent ColumnN

Specify the column in the Item table related to the parent category to assign . For example, if the Article table has been chosen as the item table, you can select the KB Category (knowledge_base_category) column as an item parent category column.

Category Item ConditionN

Specify a condition that must be met to display a category item. Use a Condition Builder to build complex AND/OR filters for this. You can also define a sorting there by any preferable field.

For example, you need to display only published Knowledge Base articles sorted by the publication date. In this case, please complete the state below (please :


Please keep in mind that in this example,


Item Table should be equal to Article)


  1. In the Category Item Condition field field, click the Image Removed funnel icon Image Added to call the Condition Builder.
    1. In the Field field, select State
    2. In the Operator field, select is
    3. In the Value field, select Published.
  2. Click Sort.
  3. In the field appeared, select Order.
  4. Select the preferred sorting order (ascending or descending).
  5. Close the Condition Builder. The condition is saved.

Item PageNA template of the item specified in the Page ID field.
Select this the checkbox to make this the portal node active or inactive. 

Select this the checkbox to make this the page visible for unauthorized users.


In fact, when this checkbox is selected, the page is for public access, so use it cautiously.

Enable Dynamic Nodes
Select this the checkbox to enable or disable the possibility of the dynamic nodes resizing.
Category TableNSpecify the table containing the portal item categories. For example, it can be the KB Category (knowledge_base_category) table.
Category Parent ColumnNSpecify a column in the Category table related to the parent category to assign a parent category. For example, if the KB Category table has been chosen as a category table, select the Parent KB Category (parent_knowledge_base_category).
Category ConditionNSpecify a condition that must be met to display a category. Use a Condition Builder to build complex AND/OR filters for this. You can also define a sorting there by any preferable field.

Page container 

Enter a number that will define the container order in a template. Items are sorted in ascending order




NameNSpecify a container name.
PageNSpecify a reference page for this the container.
CSS Class NamesNSpecify CSS classes for the container. Classes defined there Defined classes override classes defined on upper levels (for the page or the portal).
Background ImageNAttach an image to use as a background for your container. The maximum size of the image is 20 Mb.
Background ColorN

Select the container background color. These colors are preconfigured and stored in the Colors (sys_color)

 dictionary. To



Please contact your vendor to add a custom color

different from the existing one, please contact your vendor.

that is not included in the Color (sys_color) dictionary.

ActiveNSelect the checkbox to make a container active or inactive.
Fixed WidthNSelect this the checkbox to turn the container indent on and off.
OrderActiveNEnter a number that will define the container order in a template. Items are sorted in ascending orderSelect this checkbox to make a container active or inactive.

Page row




Page СontainerNSpecify a page container for this row.
CSS Class NamesNSpecify CSS class names customizing the elements view located on this row. Classes defined there override classes defined on upper levels.
ActiveNSelect this checkbox to make a row active or inactive.
OrderNEnter a number that will define the row order on a page. Rows are sorted in ascending order.

Page column




Page RowNSpecify a previously created row for this the column.
CSS Class NamesNSpecify CSS class names customizing the elements view located on this row. Classes defined there override classes defined on upper levels.
Extra-Small DevicesN

Enter a number from 0 to 12 that will define the width of the column


. The parameter is responsible for portal view in browsers in extra small devices (phones less than 768px).


For example, if there are two columns in a row with width values 4 and 8, respectively, then the width of one of them will be equal to 1/3 of a page, and another one’s width will be equal to 2/3 of that page



This parameter is responsible for portal view in browsers in extra small devices (phones less than 768px).

Small DevicesNThis The parameter is responsible for portal view in browsers in small devices (tablets 768px tablets 768px and up).
Medium DevicesNThis The parameter is responsible for portal view in browsers in medium-size devices (desktops 992px desktops 992px and up).
Large DevicesN

This The parameter is responsible for portal view in browsers in large devices (large desktops 1200px desktops 1200px and up).

Select this the checkbox to make this column active or inactive.
OrderNEnter a number that will define the column order in a row. Columns are sorted in ascending order.


To get full widget form description, please refer to the Create a widget article.

Widget instance 




WidgetNSpecify a widget configured earlier
. Choose it from the Widget (sys_widget) dictionary
Page Column
NSpecify an ID of the column on some page for applying these settings.
Option Schema ValuesN

The field allows changing some output data for specified widgets. Specify clarifying options in JSON format. For example below, the empty selection performed

against the 

for the Employee table.

Image Modified

the checkbox to make this widget instance active or inactive.
Select thi

Select the checkbox

s checkbox

to make this page visible for unauthorized users.


In fact, when this checkbox is selected, the page is for public access, so use it cautiously.

This field specifies

Specify the order of


the widget location in a portal column.

Fill in this field with the integer number to display


widgets by increasing

this field value

the field value

When displaying a single widget in a column, the order value does not matter.

Widget option 




PortalNSelect a previously created portal record from the list.
Widget InstanceNSelect the previously created widget instance from the list to bind options it. 
Option Schema ValuesN

Specify widget instance clarifying options in JSON format. These options allow transmitting values of the variables defined in the widget body for the different contexts (different widget instances).


After you have defined these options as described above, they are available in


the options


 global object.
For example, the options specified in


the Widget Options:

Code Block
titleOption Schema Values
  "itemView": "SP%20View%20Only",
  "tsGroupId": "158983234712988195"

should be used in 


Template this way:

Code Block
<search tsGroupId=options.tsGroupId searchQuery="{}"
  searchUrl="/portal/search_result" showTitle="true" size="lg"
  placeholder={data.placeholderMessage} itemPage ="record" itemView=options.itemView>

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