In the SimpleOne out-of-the-box solution there are no incident categories or subcategories. You can create it depending on your needs. To create categories or subcategories, use columns of the Choice type. It allows adding options to classify incidents and distinguish them.
Tip |
Role required: admin. |
Adding a category or subcategory
Adding a category or subcategory
To add an Incident incidentcategory or subcategory, please complete the following steps:
- Navigate to System Definition → All tables;
- In the Name field type 'incident' to filter the tables containing this word;
- Click on the 'incident' table;
- Scroll the page down to the 'Column' tab;
- Find the row containing the column name where you want to create a new option, and click on the table name in that row;
- Definition → All Columns.
- Click New and fill in the form:
- Hint - brief hint for the category. This field is not mandatory;
- Value - the stored category or subcategory name. Table - the .
- Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.
For more information, refer to the Choice fields article.
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Table | Y | The table where the category will be stored. Please select |
Incidents |
. | ||
Column Type | Y | A column type for the category. Use the Choice option. |
Title | Y | Specify the category name, the one that will be displayed on the form. |
Column Name | Y | A system column name. This field is populated automatically when you fill in Title. |
Choice Type | Y | Define whether the option "None" is applicable for the field. Available options:
If the Dropdown without --None-- is chosen, the Default Value tab becomes mandatory. |
To create choice options, please perform the steps below:
- Navigate to the choice column for which you need to create a set of options.
- Scroll down to the Related Lists area and click on the Choice tab.
- Click New, and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes - the column where the category will be stored. Consider using 'category' for the category or 'subcategory' for the subcategory. This field fills automatically;
- Title - the displayed category name.
- Order - here you can specify the category position in the choice list. Click Save.
Deleting a category or subcategory
Note |
Role Required: admin. |
To delete an Incident To delete an incident category or subcategory column and choice options, please complete the following steps:
- Navigate to the System Definition → All tables;
- In the Name field type 'incident' to filter the tables containing this word;
- Click on the table 'incident';
- Scroll the page down to the 'Column' tab;
- Find the row that contains column name where you want to create a new option, and click on the table name in that row;
- Find the category or subcategory you want to delete and click on it;
- Definition → All Columns.
- Click the magnifier icon to filter the incident table columns.
- Find the category or subcategory column you want to delete. Click on the checkbox icon on the left
- Click Delete at the top of the page to delete the category or subcategory.
To delete certain choice options, please complete the steps below:
- Navigate to the choice column for which you need to delete options.
- Scroll down to the Related Lists area and click on the Choice tab.
- Select items you need to delete by clicking on the checkbox icon on the left.
- Click Delete at the top of the Choice tabClick the Delete form button at the top of the page to delete the category or subcategory.