In the SimpleOne out-of-the-box solution there are no incident categories or subcategories. You can create it depending on your needs. To create categories or subcategories, use columns of the Choice type. It allows adding options to classify incidents and distinguish them.
Role required: admin. |
To add an incident category or subcategory, please complete the following steps:
For more information, refer to the Choice fields article.
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Table | Y | The table where the category will be stored. Please select Incidents. |
Column Type | Y | A column type for the category. Use the Choice option. |
Title | Y | Specify the category name, the one that will be displayed on the form. |
Column Name | Y | A system column name. This field is populated automatically when you fill in Title. |
Choice Type | Y | Define whether the option "None" is applicable for the field. Available options:
If the Dropdown without --None-- is chosen, the Default Value tab becomes mandatory. |
To create choice options, please perform the steps below:
To delete an incident category or subcategory column and choice options, please complete the following steps:
To delete certain choice options, please complete the steps below: