Condition operator | Options, enabled by default | Options, disabled by default | Column type |
on / not on | - Today
- Yesterday
- Tomorrow
- Current hour
- This week
- This month
- Last week
- Last month
- Next week
- Next month
| Expand |
- Last business day
- Next business day
- 2-3-4-5-6-10 days ago
- 2-3-4-5-6-10 days later
- Last quarter
- This quarter
- Next quarter
- Last half-year
- This half-year
- Next half-year
- Last year
- This year
- Next year
Date, Date/Time, Date/Time Specific | before / after | - Today
- Yesterday
- Tomorrow
- This week
- This month
- Next week
- Next month
| Expand |
- Now
- Current hour
- Last business day
- Next business day
- 2 days ago
- 2 days later
- This quarter
- Next quarter
- This half-year
- This year
- Next year
Date, Date/Time, Date/Time Specific | at or before | - This day
- Yesterday
- Tomorrow
- Current hour
- This week
- This month
- Last week
- Last month
- Next week
- Next month
| Expand |
- Last business day
- Next business day
- 2 days ago
- 2 days later
- Last quarter
- This quarter
- Last half-year
- This half-year
- Next quarter
- Last year
- This year
- Next year
Date, Date/Time, Date/Time Specific | at or after | - This day
- Yesterday
- Tomorrow
- Current hour
- This week
- This month
- Last week
- Last month
- Next week
- Next month
| Expand |
- 2 days ago
- Last business day
- Last quarter
- Last half-year
- Last year
- This quarter
- This half-year
- This year
- 2 days later
- Next business day
- Next quarter
- Next year
Date, Date/Time, Date/Time Specific | between
- Yesterday
- Tomorrow
- The beginning of last week
- The end of last week
- The beginning of last month
- The end of last month
- The end of the next month
- The end of the next week.
| Expand |
- Current hour
- Last business day
- Today
- Next business day
- 2-3-4-5-6-10 days ago
- 2-3-4-5-6-10 days later
- The beginning of this week
- The end of this week
- The beginning of this month
- The end of this month
- The beginning of last quarter
- The end of last quarter
- The beginning of this quarter
- The end of this quarter
- The end of the next quarter
- The beginning of this half-year
- The end of this half-year
- The beginning of this year
- The end of this year
- The beginning of last half-year
- The end of last half-year
- The end of the next half-year
- The beginning of last year
- The end of last year
- The end of the next year
Date | The beginning of yesterday The end of yesterdayThe beginning of tomorrowThe end of tomorrowThe beginning of last week The end of last week The beginning of last month The end of last month The beginning of the next week The end of the next weekThe beginning of the next monthThe end of the next month Expand |
- The beginning of the current hour
- The end of the current hour
- The beginning of last business day
- The end of last business day
- The beginning of today
- The end of today
- The end of the next business day
- The beginning of the day 2-3-4-5-6-10 days ago
- The end of the day 2-3-4-5-6-10 days ago
- The end of the day 2-3-4-5-6-10 days later
- The beginning of this week
- The end of this week
- The beginning of this month
- The end of this month
- The beginning of last quarter
- The end of last quarter
- The beginning of this quarter
- The end of this quarter
- The end of the next quarter
- The beginning of last half-year
- The end of last half-year
- The beginning of this half-year
- The end of this half-year
- The end of the next half-year
- The beginning of last year
- The end of last year
- The beginning of this year
- The end of this year
- The end of the next year
Date/Time, Date/Time Specific |