Widget Connector | ||
Choice is .... It is used for... In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a drop-down list.
There are two ways to define a set of choices for the drop-down lists:
- by defining a table and its columns as a source
- by creating a set of records for this field in the Choice Options dictionary.
In the first case, the choice field inherits the values from a parent table. To create a different set of choices, you need to make another set using the Choice Options dictionary.
Create a choice column
/ есть другой способ попасть туда → через Related Lists в форме создания колонки типа Choice /
Specify a column type. The column type specifies the type of the data stored, also, depending on the type selected, additional tabs or fields may appear on the form (see below). For more information, see the Field Types article.
A system column name. It is preferred to be human-readable and keep the kind of stored data. Latin letters, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ) are allowed.
Select this checkbox, and customizing of this field displayed on the form and list will be possible.
If unselected, then such field will be not available for choosing in Form Layout or List layout.
When a record references to another record and the table or column containing this record has the attribute Display by Ref equal to TRUE, then the column value will be displayed.
By default, this attribute is set equal to TRUE for the sys_id column (this column contains unique IDs).
If a table contains a field that has Display by Ref = TRUE, the value of this field will be displayed when referencing this table in the Reference field of the referencing table.
Tip |
/ можно сразу создать перевод для опций с помощью Insert and Stay, изменяя поля Title, Language, оставляя без изменений поле Value / |
// all states after In Progress
Translated choice option form fields
Specify the table to which this choice option is related.
Select the same table for the translated version as for the original one.
Specify the column to which this choice option is related.
Select the same column for the translated version as for the original one.
Repeat this step for the rest of the options on the list.
To avoid this, please be careful when adding options to your choice lists.