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In SimpleOne, the Date, Time, Date/Time and Date/Time Specific columns are commonly used in schedules, business rules, task management, logs, etcand others. See the Create Columns article to learn more.


The database stores values of the column type in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. This format does not specify the time of the day. The size of the stored data is 4 bytes.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date picker.

According to the date format of the current user, the field can contain:

  • Numbers
  • Slash ( / )
  • Hyphen ( - )
  • Dot ( . )

Date elements must meet the following criteria:

Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[1000...]The value specified should not exceed this range.


This column type is used to store time in ISO 8601 format: hh:mm:ss. The timezone is not taken into account. The date is not stored. The size of the stored data is 8 bytes.

The allowed symbols are numbers and a colon ( : ).

The field can contain numbers and colons ( : ).

Timestamp elements must meet the following criteria:


The value specified should not exceed this range.


The value specified should not exceed this range.

Hour[00..23]The value specified should not exceed this range.


This column type stores time measured in seconds. Date and time are stored in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date and time picker.

According to the date format of the current user, the field can contain:

  • Numbers
  • Slash ( / )
  • Hyphen ( - )
  • Dot ( . )

Date and time elements should meet the following criteria:


The value specified should not exceed this range.


The value specified should not exceed this range.

Hour[00..23]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[1000..9999]The value specified should not exceed this range.

Date/Time Specific

This column type stores time measured in seconds. Date and time are stored in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date and time picker.

This field type is mainly used in Schedules


In contrast to the Date/Time field type, the Date/Time Specific field type uses the UTC offset parameter defined in the system timezone. That is, the date and time are stored in the database as is, without any offset.

Date and time elements must meet the following criteria:

Second[00..59]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Minute[00..59]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Hour[00..23]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[1000..9999]The value specified should not exceed this range.

Days of week

This column type allows for selecting one or more days of the week. 

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a drop-down list with checkboxes. One or more days can be selected.

Click Select all to add all days of the week. Click Select all once again to clear the field.

Technically, the field stores a numeric value or a sum of values. The size of data stored is 2 bytes. Each day of the week is assigned a value:

Monday = 1
Tuesday = 2
Wednesday = 4
Thursday = 8
Friday = 16
Saturday = 32
Sunday = 64

The minimum field value is 0 (days are not selected). The maximum value of the field is 127 (all days selected). For example, if Tuesday (2) and Wednesday (4) are selected, the field value is 6.

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