The View form urgency field editor widget provides information about the current ticket Urgency and a mechanism for editing theUrgency field of the tickets on the portal. The administrator can configure the displayed alert warning in the widget. Administrator settings allow you to control of alert-warnig output and its content by text, translation, phone.
Find more information about how to place a widget to the portal in the Add Widget to Form article.
Widget appearance
- Tooltip that explains the funcionality of Urgency to the user. The text is defined in the server script of the widget.
- Current ticket urgency.
- The button that allows users to select new ticket urgency.
The Change button opens selection of the ticket urgency:
If the urgency is set to Very High, the users see additional warning message:
The phone number is defined by the value of the system property As to the text before the phone number, there are two options for you to choose from:
- Source message Сontact us in any available way to confirm the information – default value, this message cannot be changed.
- Source message Custom warning message for urgency widget
Widget options