The View form urgency field editor widget provides information about the current ticket Urgency and a mechanism for editing the Urgency field of the tickets on the portal. The administrator can configure the displayed alert warning in the widget. Administrator settings allow you to control of alert-warnig output and its content by text, translation, phone.

Find more information about how to place a widget to the portal in the Add Widget to Form article.

Widget appearance

  1. Tooltip that explains the funcionality of Urgency to the user. The text is defined in the server script of the widget.
  2. Current ticket urgency.
  3. The button that allows users to select new ticket urgency.

The Change button opens selection of the ticket urgency:

If the urgency is set to Very High, the users see additional warning message:

The phone number is defined by the value of the system property As to the text before the phone number, there are two options for you to choose from:

Widget options