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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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SimpleOne supports attaching files to existing or newly created records.  

The files can be attached in two ways:

Attachment action and Image field

You can attach files to a field ofimage type and a record with the attachment action. The action is displayed on forms as the paper clip icon .

The screenshot below illustrates two attachment actions on the record form:

Attachment widget

Attachments can be added via an attachment widget in the agent interface. For this, you need to use the <attachment> SimpleTag within a certain widget instance. It is unnecessary to specify the recordId, tableName attributes for the <attachment> tag located on the page with the form. Therefore, a widget template with an attachment tag will look like this:

Code Block
<attachment> </attachment> 


After adding a widget instance to a form of the agent interface, the standard action in the top right corner of the form will be removed:

Add and manage attachments

You can attach files in the following ways:

  • by clicking Select files and adding them via the file manager.

  • by dragging and dropping files in the window.

  • by pressing the Ctrl(Cmd) and V keys on your keyboard to paste an image from the clipboard.

  • by clicking Add files and selecting them via the file manager if files have been uploaded before.

Upload a file

To attach a file to some record, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to a record you need to work on.

  2. Open the Attachments window:

    • Click the attachments icon in the top right corner.

    • Click the attachments icon  by the field name.

  3. Attach the file you need. Attached files appear at the top of the form or by the field name.

  4. Close the Attachments window to return to the record.

  5. Click Save or Save and Exit.


When uploading a file via the attachments icon in the top right corner, you do not need to save the record. Attached files are saved on the server automatically.

The picture below illustrates the attachment window:

Delete a file

To delete a file uploaded earlier, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to a record you need to work on.

  2. Open the Attachments window:

    • Click the attachments icon in the top right corner.

    • Click the attachments icon  by the field name.

  3. Delete a file or files in the following ways: 

    • If there is one file, click Delete.

    • If there are several files, point the cursor to a file you want to delete, click the three-dots icon , and then select Choose. Repeat for other files you want to delete. Click Delete.

    • Click Select all and Delete to remove all uploaded files.

  4. Close the Attachments window to return to the record.

  5. Click Save or Save and Exit.


When deleting a file via the attachments icon in the top right corner, you do not need to save the record. Attached files are saved on the server automatically.

Parsing and indexing

Attachment content parsing and indexing are possible only if the attachment file size is under 30 MbMB. The limit is fixed and cannot be modified. If the file is bigger than 30 MbMB, it will not be indexed. The warning message related to the indexation will be is written to logs. You will be able to find more information later in the Main Log (sys_log) table using the criteria below for the filter:

    • Level IS Warning

    • Message Contains {Attachment ID}

Indexing is performed only for specific file formats. The Content field on the Attachment form will be automatically filled with the text content of the attached file if the file extension is included in the list: 'txt', 'ini', 'reg', 'csv', 'json', 'htm', 'html', 'doc' , 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx'. The Full Text Search is enabled within the Content field. It allows you to search globally for its content.


The attachment parsing and indexing process is asynchronous. Within this process, the following events below are implemented:

  1. Some file is attached to a record of any table (for example, to a record 164313550512027919 in the Task table).

  2. After that, a search index for this attachment is created. Technically, it is a record in the Search Indices (sys_search_index) table with the fields populated like shown below:





    Big Integer










    In this field, the attachment content appears.

  3. In the Attachments (sys_attachment) table record, the attachment content parsed from the provided file is placed. The attachment content is populated in the Content field, and the content encoding – in the Encoding field. The content encoding is automatically detected.

Attachment Download URL

Attachment records can be public or non-public. The publicity of attachments affects whether an attachment link will have an expiration date.

  • Links to public attachments do not expire.
  • Non-public attachments have a lifetime of 1 hour by default from the moment they are generated. The lifetime of a link is determined through the system property

The Public attribute on the Attachment form defines the publicity of attachments. 

To generate attachment links, log in and use the relative link `/attachments/${sys_attachment.sys_id} to download attachments. 


Depending on the publicity of an attachment, two links can be generated. For example:

    • for non-public attachments: https://s3-{your-instance-url}/attachment/9/b7/prp5bikeyg70mpn7mhfszi4amgzleo?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22image.png...
    • for public attachments: https://s3-{your-instance-url}/public-attachment/9/b7/prp5bikeyg70mpn7mhfszi4amgzleo?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22image.png...

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