Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Gauge List Reports represent a single metric value from the table data by the gauge panel with the arrow and dial on ittable data in a list view.

Create a


list report


Use Report Designer to create, configure, and style gauge list reports.

titleTo create a bar report, follow the steps below:
  1. Navigate to the Reports → Create a Report.
  2. On the Data tab, fill in the mandatory fields: 
    • Report name - enter the desired name;
    • Table - select the table you want to use as a source.
  3. Click Next or the Type tab to continue.
  4. On the Type tab, select the List report option and click Next.
  5. Configure a report and click Refresh to generate a report.
  6. Customize a style of the report created, and click Refresh.
  7. Click Save.

To open the saved report, navigate to the Reports → All reports menu and select one from the list.

Configure a Report



To configure a report, follow the steps below:


The Configure tab fields

Aggregation typeUI list

Select a type of the numeric data aggregation from one of these options:

  • Average;
  • Count;
  • Count distinct - counts the number of unique values of the column set in the Aggregation column;
  • Sum.
Aggregation column
Items limitSelect

Set a

table column with numeric values for data aggregation.
Max valueEstablish a maximum value for the data set as the Aggregation column.
Min valueEstablish a minimum value for the data set as the Aggregation column.

Configure a Style

You can configure the report look and gauge scores colors in any way you want with the style settings. 

Configure the rules of value representation with color score limit:

limit of the table items used as a source for a report.


If the user has not specified the option value, the default value set with the system property is used.

Display all items

Check this box to display all table items used for report configuration.

The number of these items cannot exceed the Items limit value.

Configure a Style


To customize a report style, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Style tab of your report, configure the settings.
  2. Click Refresh to apply the changes.
  3. Click Save to save the report.


  1. .

The Style tab fields


Enter the lower limit value for the gauge report metric.

All the data values less than this limit are considered to be low scores and appropriately painted with Low score color.


Enter the upper limit value for the gauge report metric.

All the data values less than this limit are considered to be middle scores and appropriately painted with Middle score color.


Title Style
Report title show type

Set the type for the report title showing. Select one of the options:

  • Never;
  • Report only;
  • Always.
Report titleEnter the title of the report you create. 
Report title sizeEnter the number of points to set the size of the report title.
Report title colorSelect the color of the report title.
Title horizontal alignment

Set the horizontal alignment of the chart title with one of the options:

  • Left;
  • Center;
  • Right.
Title vertical alignment

Set the vertical alignment of the chart title with one of the options:

  • Top;
  • Middle;
  • Bottom.
Title boldSwitch this checkbox on to make the chart title bold.
