To reduce or eliminate the impact of a problem that cannot be resolved, create a known error record in the Known Error Database (KEDB) and provide a workaround for the problem. The created workaround can be used when processing problems and incidents.

Create a known error

Role required: problem_manager.

To create a known error, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Problem Management → All Problems and select the problem you need to create a known error from.
  2. Click Create known error in the top right corner.
  3. Fill in the form.

  4. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Reference to the created known error is automatically inserted into the Known error field on the Related Records tab of the problem form.

Known Error form fields


NumberNThe field is populated automatically in the KEXXXXXXX format and is read-only.
NameYSpecify a name for the known error.
DescriptionNAdd a detailed description of the known error.
Content DBY

The field is automatically filled with the KEDB value and is read-only.

KB CategoryYThe field is automatically filled with the Known Error value and is read-only.
Content Item ClassYThe field is automatically filled with the Known Error value and is read-only.
WorkaroundYAdd a detailed workaround for resolving the problem.

Provide metadata such as search keywords.


Specify the current state of the known error by selecting one of the possible values:

  • Draft – the known error is created but is not approved yet.
  • Waiting for approval – the known error was sent for approval to the service owner.
  • Actual – the known error is approved by the service owner and can be used to process problems and incidents.
  • Fixed – the problem has been resolved, so the workaround is no longer needed.
  • Retired – this state is assigned to a known error if the related problem was created erroneously or could not be reproduced.

The field is automatically populated with a reference to the problem, the known error is created from. It is read-only.


Select the service that the known error is related to. By default, this field has the same value as the respective field of the problem, the known error is created from.

Responsible groupY

Specify the group assigned to work on the known error.

When a known error is assigned to a group, the Responsible person field becomes non-mandatory. 

Responsible personY

Specify the person assigned to work on the known error.

When a known error is assigned to a user, the Responsible group field becomes non-mandatory. 

Add an existing known error

To relate the problem to an existing known error, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Problem Management → All Problems and select the required problem.
  2. On the Related Records tab, click the magnifier icon next to the Known error field.
  3. In the window that appears, select the required known error record.
  4. In the problem form, click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

Known error approval

Before a problem can be classified as a known error, it must be approved by the service owner. A newly created Known Error record has the Draft state. When the state is changed to Waiting for approval, an approval ticket is automatically created and sent to the service owner. Before a Known Error record is approved, the state of the problem remains the same. If the known error is approved, the state of the problem is automatically changed to Known error. If the service owner rejects the known error, a notification is sent to the known error creator with a reason of rejection. If there is no service owner, the approval is skipped.

Known error state model

The following diagram illustrates the state model of known errors.

The following table lists and describes the available state transitions for known errors.



Available Transitions


This state is assigned to a known error after it is created or to a known error rejected by the Service Owner.

Waiting for approval

Waiting for approval

This state is assigned to a known error when a user submits it for approval to the service owner.

  • Actual (automatic after approval)
  • Draft (automatic after rejection)


The known error automatically transitions into this state when approved by the service owner.

  • Fixed
  • Draft
  • Retired


The known error automatically transitions into this state from the Actual state when the related problem is closed with either of the following closure codes:

  • Solved 1st level
  • Solved 2nd level
  • Actual
  • Draft
  • Retired


The known error automatically transitions into this state from the Actual or Fixed state when the related problem is closed with either of the following closure codes:

  • Not solved (Refused)
  • Not solved (Dropped)
  • Actual
  • Fixed
  • Draft