Telegram is a messaging app that provides an option to integrate with various systems using chatbots.
In SimpleOne, we developed a chatbot for our ITSM application. It provides the following operations:
- Creating incidents and user queries.
- Reviewing incidents and user queries.
- Leaving a comment.
- Giving additional information when tickets are in the Information Needed state.
- Approving or rejecting tickets.
- Closing tickets and rating agent work and level of service.
Connecting bot to your instance
Role required: admin.
To connect to a preconfigured bot, please complete the steps below:
- Switch to the ITSM application in the Preferences menu.
- Navigate to ITSM Telegram Bot → Bot Connection Page.
Follow the instructions given on the page.
Once all steps are completed, click Set to connect the bot to your instance.
You need to use an instance with a public URL so that Telegram servers can connect it. Otherwise, the following error will occur:
Connection failed: Bad Request: bad webhook: Failed to resolve host: Name or service not known.
- Find the bot on Telegram by its name or username.
- Click Start.
As a result, the bot is activated on your instance.
User authorization
Before starting to use a Telegram bot, please make sure:
- User has an active Employee record that is not locked out.
- The phone number should be actual and exactly match the value in the Mobile Phone field on the Employee record. If the number in the Telegram account starts with the plus, the phone number of the employee must also start with a plus.
To start using an ITSM bot, perform the following steps:
- Launch the Telegram app.
- In the search bar, type the username or name of the bot connected to your instance.
- Click Start. The bot will ask you to share your phone number.
- Click Share your phone number.
As a result:
- Success: The bot finds your profile record in your instance with your phone number. Then everything is set to work.
- Failed: The bot cannot authorize you because on the instance, there is no active Employee record that is not locked out with the Mobile Phone you are sharing. Write to your support and check if your current phone number is in the system.
If the connection is successful, open the main menu. The following actions are available:
- My Tickets – open a list of active incidents and user queries.
- My approvals – open a list of active approval tickets.
- New user query – ask a question, or request a personal consultation.
- Report a problem – report about a problem with services, hardware, or software.
Creating a user query
To create a user query via the Telegram bot, perform the following steps:
- In the main menu, click New user query.
The bot will ask you to write down your question. In the message pole, briefly describe your problem and the question.
This text will be used as a description and the subject of the user query, but unlike the description, the subject can contain only the first six words.
- Click on the plane icon
to send it.
The bot will ask you to define the urgency of your question. Define the necessary level of urgency: Low, Medium, High, Critical.
As a result, the user query is sent to your instance. You can continue working with the bot.
Creating an incident
To create an incident via the Telegram bot, perform the following steps:
- In the main menu, click Report a problem.
The bot will ask you to describe the problem you have faced. At the message pole, briefly describe your problem.
This text will be used as a description and the subject of the incident, but unlike the description, the subject can contain only first six words.
- Click on the plane icon
to send it.
The bot will ask you to define the urgency of the incident. Define the necessary level of urgency: Low, Medium, High, Critical.
As a result, the incident is sent to your instance. You can continue working with the bot.
Checking a ticket state
To check the state and details of your active tickets, perform the following steps:
- In the main menu, click My Tickets.
A list of active tickets will appear.
- You can click on the link to open the list on the portal if you need.
- Click on the ticket name to see more details.
- Next message contains the following fields: Number and Subject, State, Description.
In this step, the following options are available:Details – click the button to see more detailed information about your ticket. The message will contain the following fields: State, Caller, Subject, Description, Company, Service, and other fields if they are not empty.
Leave a comment – click the button to create an additional comment which will be saved in the Activity Feed. Enter your comment and click the plane button
My tickets – click the button to see the list of your active tickets.
Menu – click the button to see the main menu.
- Next message contains the following fields: Number and Subject, State, Description.
Information Needed
When the ticket state changes to Information Needed, you will receive a notification message and will be asked to add information. To add information, complete the steps below:
- Click Go to the ticket to open the ticket details.
- Enter your comment and click the plane button
The comment will be sent and the state of the ticket will change to Assigned.
Closing tickets
Once the state of your ticket changes to Complete, you will receive a notification message about closing the ticket with the ticket number, closure code and closure information. To close the ticket, please complete the following steps:
- Click Go to evaluation.
- The following actions will appear:
- Accept – click to accept the solution given. You will be asked to evaluate the quality of service and the agent's work. Values of these evaluations are connected to the values of choice options.
- Below Expectations =
- Meets Expectations =
- Above Expectations =
- Below Expectations =
- Reject – click if you are not satisfied with the results. You will be asked to specify the rejection reason. Enter your comment and click the plane button
- Details – click the button to see more detailed information about your ticket. The message will contain the following fields: State, Caller, Subject, Description, Company, Service, and other fields if they are not empty.
- Leave a comment – click the button to create an additional comment, which will be saved in the Activity Feed. Enter your comment and click the plane button
- My tickets – click the button to see the list of your active tickets.
- Menu – click the button to see the main menu.
- Accept – click to accept the solution given. You will be asked to evaluate the quality of service and the agent's work. Values of these evaluations are connected to the values of choice options.
Approval tickets
You can check your active approval tickets via the telegram bot. In the main menu, click My approvals. A list of approval tasks will appear.
When tickets that require your approval are created, you will also receive a notification message.
To approve a ticket, please complete the steps below:
- Click Go to the approval ticket to open the information about the ticket.
- Approve or reject the ticket.
- If you reject it, you will need to specify the reason for rejection. Enter your comment and click the plane button
- If you reject it, you will need to specify the reason for rejection. Enter your comment and click the plane button