SLAs keep all necessary information that allows the SimpleOne administrator to build a flexible and easy to manage SLM solution.

Services, Contracts, and SLAs keep all necessary information that allows the SimpleOne administrator to build a flexible and easy to manage SLM solution. These entities determine the SLM structure by establishing relationships with each other and set up a foundation for further SLA configuration with special features.

IT Service

Role required: service_owner.

The Service records keep all detailed information about services such as type, description, service owner, etc. in Service Portfolio.

To set up a relationship between an IT Service and an SLA, navigate to Service Portfolio → Service Catalog if your IT Service is active or to the Service Portfolio → Service Pipeline if your IT Service is new or inactive. Open a desired IT Service record and fill in the fields below:

Service typeY

Allows choosing one of the possible values according to the agreement type between service the supplier and customer. Available options:

  • Business
  • Operational
  • Underpinning
  • Request.
Service SpecificationYSpecify the article from the Knowledge Base, for example, SLA record, Service Description, or another one described in Service Specifications.


Role required: ITSM_agent.

Contracts keep all the information about signed agreements, including the service provider, supplier, and customer with consumers.

Navigate to Contracts → Contracts and click New to create a new Contract record and bind it to particular articles and categories through the following fields:

NumberYA record number in the Contracts dictionary. This field is populated automatically.
Contract NoNA contract number.
SubjectYA contract subject.

A type of signed agreement defined by one of the available values according to a concluded agreement between the parties. This field is not mandatory.

  • SLA - Service Level Agreement between the service customer and the provider
  • OLA - Operational Level Agreement describes internal service provider relationships with its department responsible for service delivery
  • UC - Underpinning Contract determines relationships between the supplier and the third party that provides any services required for the fulfillment of SLA obligations. 
Contract CategoryY

A category your contract relates to (navigate to Contracts → Contract Category and click New to create one).


Specify a company from the Companies list.


Specify a company from the Companies list


Specify a customer from the Contact list (go to Contracts → Contact and click New to create one). Any of the following types can be chosen: a company, a branch, a section, a department, a unit, a group, an employee.


Specify the end-users from the Contact list (go to Contracts → Contact and click New to create an end-user).

DescriptionNSpecify the contract brief description.
Contract StatusY

Contract current status. Available options:

  • Valid
  • Not valid.
ResponsibleYSpecify an employee responsible for the contractor support from the Employee list.
Start DateNSpecify the contract start date.
End DateNSpecify the contract expiry date.
AutoprolongationNSelect this checkbox to make the Supplier field mandatory. For it, the Type chosen is to be UC.
Knowledge Base ArticleNReference to a particular article from the Knowledge Base with SLA, OLA, or UC Content Item Class value.
Total CostNSpecify the contract total cost.

When a contract is created, you can easily create an agreement related to it by clicking the New button in the Agreement related list of this contract.


Role required:  service_catalogue_manager or service_owner

The articles that contain formal documented agreements signed by the service supplier and the customer in relation to a particular service are based in the Knowledge Base

To add such an article to your SimpleOne solution, navigate to Knowledge Base → All Articles, push the New button, and fill in the form. The fields below determine a particular SLA article regarding an IT Service:

NumberYContent category number. This field is populated automatically.
NameYA name of the Service Level Agreement.
Content DBYA content database from the Content DBs list.
KB CategoryNA knowledge base category from the CB Categories list.
Content Item ClassY

Describes SLA appointment, the following possible values apply to SLAs:

  • SLA
  • OLA
  • UC.
Object CategoryY

A service category to which the article is related. The field is populated automatically after the Content DB and Content Item Class are filled. Available options are:

  • Internal
  • External.
BodyNSubmitted SLA content.

One chosen record from the Services, the field Owned by is automatically filled with the owner name from the selected service record.


One of the possible values:

  • Draft - is not ready to be accepted as active.
  • Published - the article is active.
  • Retired - is not in use anymore.
Published atYThe time the article was published. This field is populated automatically.
Owned byNAutomatically filled with the service owner's name according to the service selected.
MetainfoNFill in the field with the metadata.

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