Request Task Management allows agents to divide service requests into request tasks.

Dividing requests into tasks opens up benefits, such as assigning different request tasks to different employees and getting tasks done either simultaneously, or one after another. Service requests and request tasks are in the parent-child relationships.

To create a request task, follow the steps below:

  1. Open a service request you want to create a request task for.
  2. In the Related Lists area click on the Request Task tab and then click New.
  3. Fill in the form fields and then click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

Form Description

NumberYA unique request task number. This field is populated automatically and has a RQTSKXXXXXXX format.
RequestYSpecify a request that you want to divide into request tasks.

Shows the state of a request task. Possible states:

  • Registered - the state for a newly created request task. Possible transitions are In Progress, Cancelled, or Completed.
  • In Progress - a request task is in the process of implementation.
  • Cancelled - the work on a request task was cancelled.
  • Completed - the work on a request task is done.

Assigned UserY

Specify a responsible user to work on the request task.

When a request task has been assigned to a responsible user, then the Assigned Group field becomes non-mandatory. The same goes for other task objects, like change requests, or incidents.

Later, you can reassign the service request by changing the value of this field or clicking Reassign in the upper right corner. 

Assignment GroupY

Specify a responsible group to work on the request task.

When a request task has been assigned to a responsible group, then the Assigned User field becomes non-mandatory. The same goes for other task objects, like change requests, or incidents.

Later, you can reassign the service request by changing the value of this field or clicking Reassign in the upper right corner. The state of the request will automatically change to Assigned, unless it is already in this state.

SubjectNA brief description of the request task.
DescriptionNA more informative description of the request task.
Followers ListNIn there, users list who follow the task for tracking updates is displayed.

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