If necessary, the record view can be styled by a specific label signifying that the record matches some criteria, and potentially requires strong attention. For example, you can label all Major Incidents in your solution with the red label, so the risk that they may be ignored will be minimized.

Role required: admin.

To configure a label, please complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to UI Customization → Form Labels.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

The new label will appear at the top of records that meet the condition. 

Form Labels are used only for the agent interface. They are not shown in widgets on the Self-Service Portal.

NameNType the name of the label.
ActiveNSelect this checkbox to make the label active or inactive.

Specify the table containing the records which should be labeled. 

Form Labels work only for particular tables and are not inherited.


Select the color of the label from the drop-down menu. Available choice options:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Purple
  • Orange
  • Grey
  • Dark Grey
  • Aqua
  • Default.

Create a filter before the applying labels. Use the Condition Builder to build a filter that fits your needs. In the field part of the Condition Builder you will be able to choose record fields. You can create more than one condition in one filter using complex AND and OR actions. You can also use dynamic filters to configure conditions.

To create filters, you need to specify the table that contains necessary records first.

An empty condition always returns 'true'.

You can configure as many labels as you need. 

  • No labels