Administration includes setting the system properties, managing attachment records, setting ACL rules, and monitoring the system logs.

Role required: admin.

Configuring attachments properties 

To set up attachment properties, please perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
  2. Find the property record you need using the list search boxes or the Condition Builder and open it.
  3. Edit the Value field.

  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.




Maximum number of files that can be uploaded.


Maximum file size (in bytes) that can be uploaded.


File types that are allowed for uploading. List the extensions separated by commas without spaces, for example, "jpeg,png,pdf". Files of other types will be ignored. To allow all types of files, type '[]'.


Define system table names in this property, and attachments within records in these tables will not be indexed.

Attachment record

When you upload a file, a record is created in the Attachment (sys_attachment) table. To reach these records, please navigate to Attachments → All Attachments.

Attachment record form fields




Document record


Displays the name of the record to which the file is attached. Field type: Document ID.

File Name


Defines the file name.

File Path


Specifies the absolute file path on the server.

Size Bytes


Defines the file size in bytes.

MIME Content Type


Specifies the file content type described with the MIME standard.

Is public


This attribute displays that this attachment has a permanent link and is available to public access. Refer to the Attachment article to learn more about attachment links. 

Attachment logging

The system logs all operations (except for reading) in the Main Log (sys_log) table. Operations related to attachments have the Source field value equal to Attachment. Navigate to System Logs → Main Log.

If any errors or exceptions were thrown during the attaching process, they can be found in the Exception Log (sys_log_exception) list. Navigate to System Logs → Exception Log.

Refer to the Logging article to learn more.

Access to attachments

You can restrict operations on image columns for users with specific roles or meeting other requirements with the Access Control List (ACL). 

Role required: secutiry_admin.

To restrict access, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System Security → Access Control (ACL).

  2. Click New and fill in the fields.

  3. In the Column field, select the image column you need to secure.

  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

As a result:

  • There will be restrictions on creating, editing, and/or reading columns in a specific table. 
  • The specified rules will be applied to the portal forms as well.

The table below describes the effects of the operation restrictions on an image field:




The field is not displayed on a new record form and appears after saving the record.


The field and its contents (attached files) are hidden.


The field is read-only.

See the ACL and Role Structure articles to learn more about access limitations.

  • No labels