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Add a category

To add an Incident category, please complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the System Definition → All tables;
  2. In the Name field type 'incident' to filter the tables containing this word;
  3. Click on the table 'incident';
  4. Scroll the page down to the 'Column' tab;
  5. Find the row that contains column name where you want to create a new option, and click on the table name in that row;
  6. Press New and fill in the form:
    1. Hint - brief hint for the category. This field is not mandatory;
    2. Value - the stored category name.
    3. Table - the table where the category will be stored. Please select 'Incidents';
    4. Column - the column where the category will be stored. Please select 'category';
    5. Title - the displayed category name.
    6. Order - here you can specify the category position in the choice list.
  7. Press Save.

Add a subcategory

For subcategory adding, the procedure is similar, but you need to use 'subcategory' column name instead of category.

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