Also. URL action can be created via the SimpleOne interface. To do this, please perform the following steps:
Navigate to the System Definition → URL Actions;
Click New, fill in the form, and then click Save.
If you're creating a URL action manually, then you need to add the value of the key field after "/url-action/run?key=" in URL to get a correct, fully functional URL action.
URL actions form fields
The hash used as a keyword in the URL and for a database search after the link has been visited.
The server-side script that will be executed after the link has been followed. You can use server-side SimpleOne API there.
Turn this checkbox on if you need this action to be active.
Expire on
Enter script expiration date and time.
Assigned to
The user who is assigned for the action.
The user who has executed the action.
Sys updated by
Information about who has updated the record.
Sys created by
Information about who has created the record.
You can modify an existing URL action in a similar way, clicking on the value in the Key column.