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Many-to-many intertable relationships allow defining connections between the entries of any two tables, with specifying the relationship type other than "one-to-one".

For example, the User and the Group tables may contain many records about users and groups accordingly. A user may be in more than one group, and a group may include many users, so, in this case, these two tables have to be bound as shown below:

The many-to-many table is a table describing how two tables are linked with each other. You can find a typical example of such a linkage on the screenshot below:

To create a new many-to-many relationship, please complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to M2M → Create M2M;
  2. Fill in the fields and click Save.

Role required: security_admin.

Many-to-many relationship form fields

NameStringA relationship name.
Source column
From tableReferenceReference to the table containing the column to bind with another one specified in the To column name field.
From column nameStringSpecify the column to bind with another one. Use the system name of the column taken from the column properties. The column should be presented in the table specified in the From table field; otherwise, the relationship will be disfunctional.
From column labelStringSpecify the column label (it may differ from the column title).
Target column
To tableReferenceReference to the table containing the column to bind with another one specified in the From column name field.
To column nameStringSpecify the column to bind with another one. Use the system name of the column taken from the column properties. The column should be presented in the table specified in the To table field; otherwise, the relationship will be disfunctional.
From column labelStringSpecify the column label (it may differ from the column title).

In fact, the many-to-many relationship is a table, so you can navigate to it and browse the records. In the example above (theme_has_documentation), navigate to {your_instance_url}/list/theme_has_documentation.

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