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- To speed up the sampling generation, it is recommended to use the selectAttributes() method of the SimpleRecord class.
The example below generates an array containing IDs of the records:
const user = new SimpleRecord('user'); user.addQuery('email', 'like', ''); user.selectAttributes('sys_id'); // select sys_id only user.query(); const userIDs = []; while ( { userIDs.push(user.sys_id); }
- Before adding query for sys_id value by addQuery(), add checking if value passed to query:
if (!!current.resolved_problems) { const problem = new SimpleRecord('itsm_problem'); problem.addQuery('sys_id', 'in', current.resolved_problems.split(',')); problem.query(); while ( { if (!!problem.solved_by_changes) { problem.solved_by_changes += `,${current.sys_id}`; } else { problem.solved_by_changes = current.sys_id; } problem.update(); } }
Otherwise if passed value is null, the query will have condition:
problem.addQuery('sys_id', 'in', ['']);
which will lead to skipping of that condition row.
- Use operator 'in' for building conditions instead of multiple addOrCondition:
is one of in query
const column = new SimpleRecord('sys_db_column'); /* column.addQuery('table_id', current.getValue('child_table_id')).addOrCondition('table_id', '156950363112415683').addOrCondition('table_id', '156950616617772294').addOrCondition('table_id', '155931135900000083'); */ const tableIds = [ '156950363112415683', '156950616617772294', '155931135900000083', current.getValue('child_table_id') ] column.addQuery('table_id', 'in', tableIds); column.query();
- Add records count preview before updating/deleting:
const record = new SimpleRecord('sys_vcs_preview_log'); record.addQuery('retrieved_pack_id', current.sys_id); record.addQuery('state', 'skipped'); record.addQuery('error_text', 'The system has a newer record'); record.query(); ss.addInfoMessage(`corrections for ${record.getRowCount()} objects`); record.setMultipleValue('state', 'good'); //record.updateMultiple();
const record = new SimpleRecord('imp_ldap_users'); record.addEncodedQuery( `^sys_created_atLIKE2019-`); record.query(); ss.addInfoMessage(record.getRowCount()); //current.deleteMultiple();
- Script that creates record and its related records (e.g. creation of the Task record and child tasks records). It should contain checking root record creation before related records creation:
const recordTask = new SimpleRecord('task'); //recordTask.subject = 'Main Task'; const insertedID = recordTask.insert(); // ID of inserted record OR 0 const activities = [ 'Analysis', 'Coding', 'Review', 'Testing', 'Merging', 'Release' ]; if (insertedID != 0) { // if Task created than create related tasks const subtasksID = []; activities.forEach(activityName => { const subTaskRecord = new SimpleRecord('task'); subTaskRecord.parent_id = insertedID; subTaskRecord.subject = activityName; subtasksID.push(subTaskRecord.insert()); }); } else { ss.addErrorMessage(JSON.stringify(recordTask.getErrors())); }
- Comment your code when you use the Choice attributes in your scripts:
if (current.stage == '4' || current.stage == '6') { // Canceled OR Completed const start = new SimpleDateTime(current.start_time); //...
- Use the getAttributes() method to check an object before inserting or updating:
const task = new SimpleRecord('task'); task.initialize();, null, 2)); /* Info: { "sys_id": "", "parent_id": "", "assigned_user": "", "number": "", "short_description": "", "active": 1, ... */
- Also, this method allows checking whether an object has a specified attribute or not before calling:
if (task.getAttributes()['has_breached'] != undefined) { task.has_breached = true; // SLA Breached task.update(); }
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