The URL action is the link used to execute any server-side script that was put down when creating this link.
The URL action expiration date is stored in the URL action (sys_url_action) table, in the Expire at field. When that date comes, the URL and stops working.
It logs the user who has followed the link and executed the script.
Manage URL actions
To create a URL action, ss.generateUrlAction API method.
URL action can also be created via the SimpleOne interface. To do this, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to the System Settings → URL Actions.
- Click New and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
URL actions form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Key | N | Specify a hash that is used as a keyword in the URL and for database search after the link is visited. |
Active | N | Select this checkbox to activate the action. |
Script | Y | Specify a script that is executed after the link is followed. You can use server-side API. |
at | Y | Enter the script expiration date and time. |
Assigned to | Y | Specify a user assigned for the action. |
Executor | N | Specify a user that executes the action. |
You can modify an existing URL action in the same way by clicking on the value in the Key column.