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Roles control access to features and capabilities of the system (admin and security_admin roles have access to all capabilities).

In SimpleOne, roles can be separated into three abstract layers based on their daily duties and powers (roles are sorted in the ascending order):

  1. End-users;
  2. Agents;
  3. Administrators.

Generally, end-users have no specific role in the system. They can create tickets via Self-Service Portal, track the progress, add comments, but they can neither use the administrative interface nor perform any actions in it due to lack of specific role.

Agents are the employee handling daily tasks in the system. To perform the actions 

Administrators are 

Юзеру может быть назначена одна или несколько ролей разными путями (этот механизм описан в статье Role and Group Inheritance). У нас есть стандартные системные роли и есть возможность создавать новые роли в зависимости от требований и задач бизнеса. Полномочия и возможности роли определяются настроенными для неё ACL Rules.

Есть три типа ролей:

End-user (человек без роли);

Агент (человек с одной или несколькими ролями, выполняющий те или иные задачи по процессам);

Админ (администратор системы, в том числе security_admin)

получив роль problem_manager, получаю ли я автоматом роль ITSM_agent?
получая роль ITSM_agent, назначаются ли мне автоматом все дочерние?

надо дополнить доку по наследованию


The System Administrator role. This role has access to all system features, functions, and data.

callerCan create tickets, read issues created by him, add comments to his tickets.
change_managerCan change the values of all fields in any Change Request, Change Task, Approval Ticket in any status except closed.
cmdb_managerCMDB manager can create, read, update and delete records in Configuration Management Database
impersonatorCan impersonate users. Does not allow impersonation of admin users.
import_adminCan manage all aspects of imports (including import sources, import sets, transform maps, and field sets).
incident_managerIn any Incident, Incident Task, can change the values of all fields in any state except Closed.
ITSM_agentCan perform standard actions for an ITSM agent (like opening, updating, and closure incidents, changes, problems, and requests).
notification_adminCan create and edit notification rules.
problem_managerCan change the values of all fields in any Problem, Problem Task in any state except Closed.
request_managerCan change the values of all fields in any Service Request, Request Task in any state except Closed.
security_adminGrant modification access to High-Security Settings, allow user to modify the Access Control List
service_catalogue_managerCan change the state of any Article related to any Service specification (Internal or External).
service_level_managerCan edit SLM related records (Agreement Commitment, Commitment Type, Timepoint Indicator, Timeframe Indicators).
service_ownerCan change the state of any Article related to Service specification (Internal or External) of the owned Service.
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