Use the <dropdownMenu> tag to create a nested drop-down menu.

Available attributes:

classStringNSpecify the CSS class name defined in the CSS field of the widget.

Specify the dropdown menu size by selecting from the predefined options:

  • "" (the value is not set) = 464px
  • "middle" = 344px
  • "low" = 224px

Specify the actions to perform after one of the predefined templates is selected:

  • click
  • context
  • mouseOver
isShowBooleanNSet the value to true to enable the menu display. The default value is false.
doCloseFunctionNSpecify an additional action when the menu closes. Set the attribute value to the custom s_widget_custom method created in the client script.

Specify a reference to the dynamic variable that stores menu items and actions.


<dropdownMenu model=""></dropdownMenu>

The template above displays a menu with three dots on the page:

The menu structure is described in the server script. Available properties of the menu object:

event_to_displayArray of Strings

Specify the event that opens the menu section. Possible values:

  • ['mouseover'] – the user moves the pointer over the menu section.
  • ['click'] – the user clicks the menu section.

Specify the event that takes place when a user interacts with the menu element. Possible values:

  • "click": "runScript()" – a script is called when the user clicks the menu element.
  • "mouseover" : "runScript()" – a script is called when the user moves the pointer over the menu element.
sectionsArraySpecify the list of menu sections.
orderNumberSpecify section order. Sections are displayed in ascending order.
elementsArraySpecify the elements of the section.
titleStringSpecify the title of the element.
child_elementsArraySpecify the child elements of the element.
decorationObjectSpecify the decoration structure.
Server script example with the menu structure
; (() => { = {
        "menu": {
    "size": "low",
    "event_to_display": [
    "sections": [
            "order": "1",
            "elements": [
                    "title": "Text",
                    "order": "1",
                    "event_to_display": ["click"],
                    "events": {
                        "click": "runScript()"
                    "child_elements": [
                            "title": "Text22",
                            "event_to_display": ["click"],
                            "events": {
                                "click": "runScript()"
                            "child_elements": [
                            "title": "Text2",
                            "event_to_display": ["click"],
                            "events": {
                                "click": "runScript()"
                            "child_elements": []
                    "title": "Title",
                    "order": "2",
                    "event_to_display": ["click"],
                    "events": {
                        "click": "runScript()"
                    "child_elements": [
                            "title": "Text2",
                            "event_to_display": ["click"],
                            "events": {
                                "click": "runScript()"
                            "child_elements": []
            "order": "2",
            "elements": [
                    "title": "Text",
                    "order": "1",
                    "event_to_display": ["click"],
                    "events": {
                        "click": "runScript()"
                    "child_elements": []

You can add decorations to the elements of the dropdownMenu. Available properties of the decoration object:

PropertyDescriptionPossible values
textAdd a label that is displayed to the right from the element name in the drop-down menu.

Any symbols, including emoji.

Max: 3 symbols

hintAdd a tooltip that appears when the user moves the pointer over the element. 

Any symbols. There are no maximum length limitations.

Default value: not set

colorSpecify the color for the text label.

Recommended values: '#ABB1BA', '#ffffff'

Default value: '#ffffff'

You can use any other HEX colors, but the colors above are recommended as they comply with the platform design.

backgroundColorSpecify the background color for the text label.

Recommended values: '#E52600', '#0086E5'

Default value: 'transparent'

You can use any other HEX colors, but the colors above are recommended as they comply with the platform design.

borderRadiusSpecify the roundness of the text label background.

Recommended values: '4px' (a rectangular with slightly rounded corners), '24px'/'50%' (a circle/oval, depending on the numbers of symbols in the text label)

Default value: '0'

The value can be set in pixels or percentage.

Server script example with decoration
;(() => { = {
        "menu": {
            "size": "middle",
            "event_to_display": ["click"],
            "events": {},
            "sections": [
                    title: 'All',
                    order: 1,
                    event_to_display: ['mouseover'],
                    events: {},
                    decoration: {
                        text: '🎁',
                        hint: '',
                        color: '',
                        backgroundColor: 'transparent',
                        borderRadius: '0',
                    child_elements: [],
  • No labels