Role required: problem_manager.

You can create a problem either from a particular registered incident or directly from the Problems catalog.

Create a problem from an incident

Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Incident form and, from the hamburger menu, select the Create Problem option.
  2. Fill in the form and click Save or Save and Exit.

When the user creates a problem from an incident, the values of such fields as Related Incidents and Related User Query are automatically updated with relevant object number.

Create a problem from the Problems catalog

Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Problems → Create New.
  2. Fill in the form and click Save or Save and Exit.

You can copy the record number, title and link via the hamburger menu. To do so, click Generate link.

Problem form fields

NumberYProblem number. The field is populated automatically with the unique identifier in the PRBXXXXXXX format.
CallerYSpecify the originator of the problem.
CompanyNSpecify the company to which the problem is related.
ServiceYSelect the service affected by the problem.
Related CIsNSpecify related configuration items affected by the problem.
Copy CIs to OriginatorsN

Select this checkbox to relate configuration items from the problem to entities that are problem originators.

Assignment GroupY

Specify a user group responsible for resolving the problem. It is automatically filled with the assigned user's group.

When the Assignment Group field is specified, the Assigned User field becomes non-mandatory. The same goes for other task objects, like change requests or service requests.

There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. To learn more, refer to the Restrictions for assignment article. 

Assigned UserY

Specify a user responsible for resolving the problem.

Click the Assign to me button to assign a problem to yourself. After that, your profile will be referenced in the Assigned User field.

When the Assigned User field is specified, the Assigned Group field becomes non-mandatory. The same goes for other task objects,  like change requests or service requests.

There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. To learn more, refer to the Restrictions for assignment article. 


Problem state with one of the following options:

  • Registered
  • Assigned
  • In Progress
  • Pending
  • Known Error
  • Completed
  • Closed (available only for problems in the Completed state)
  • When the Pending state is selected, the Postponements Cause field is displayed.
  • When the Completed state is selected, the Closure Information section appears.
Postponement Cause

Specify the reason for postponing work on the problem. Available options:

  • External processing
  • Implementation postponed
  • Solved by change

Depending on the selected choice option, the following mandatory fields appear on the form:

Choice optionFieldDescription

External processing or

Implementation postponed

ResubmissionSpecify the date when the work on the problem should resume.
Additional CommentsLeave a comment on why the work is postponed or requires external processing.
Solved by changeRelated ChangeDefine a record from the Change Request (itsm_change_request) table that solves the current problem.

Measure the impact caused by the problem on the business processes. Available options:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Very High

Specify the urgency of the problem. Typically, it is evaluated based on the time remaining until the problem impacts the business. Available options:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Very High

Identifies the importance of the problem according to the Priority Matrix. This field is populated automatically based on the values specified in the Impact and Urgency fields. Possible options:

  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Critical

See the Priority Management article to learn more.

Attention RequiredNSelect the checkbox to allow the line manager of the assigned group/assigned user to receive notifications.
SubjectYAdd a short description of the problem. After saving, the field is hidden on the form.
DescriptionNAdd a detailed description of the problem.
Followers ListN

Displays a list of users who follow the problem for tracking the updates.

This read-only field appears if at least one user followed the problem. 

Notes section
Additional CommentsN

Add a comment with any additional information about the problem. Additional comments are marked in purple.

Work NotesN

Add work notes with information about the problem. Work notes are marked in black.

Related Records section
Solved by ChangesNSpecify change requests that helped resolve the problem.
Caused by ChangesNSpecify change requests that caused the problem.

Related Problems

NSpecify problems related to this particular problem.

Known Error

NAssign a known error record from the Known Errors database.
Related ArticlesNSpecify articles from the Knowledge Base related to this particular problem.
Related IncidentsNSpecify incidents related to this particular problem.
Related User QueryNUser query that is automatically populated from the related incidents.

Closure Information section

This section appears when the State value is Completed.

Complete OriginatorsNSelect the checkbox to add the originators related to this request.
Closure CodeY

Specify on what level the problem was closed or the reason it got the Completed state. Available options:

  • Solved 1st Level
  • Solved 2nd Level
  • Not Solved (Refused)
  • Not Solved (Dropped)
Closure NotesYLeave notes regarding the problem closure.

  • No labels