As mentioned in the Service Portfolio Management article, the purpose of the ITSM process is to provide maximum business value by offering an optimal set of IT services. The ITSM process consists of several sub-processes that operate at different levels of interaction between the business and the IT service provider:
Service Portfolio Management – strategical level
Service Level Management – tactical level
Service Catalog Management – operational level (business as usual)
The Service Level Management (SLM) practice is responsible for defining key requirements for service delivery and quality targets, such as Service Level Agreements (SLA). The purpose of this practice is to define and set agreements, negotiate them with service suppliers and customers, and ensure clear perception of these obligations.
An SLA defines warranty targets and the time required to perform key service actions, solve incidents and service requests. An SLA can be concluded at the customer's request or at the IT service provider's initiative.
The SimpleOne SLM solution allows to perform the following types of activities with SLAs:
Store approved customer requirements as articles containing the SLAs in the Knowledge Base. These records contain all information about the rights and obligations of the parties and the agreed level of service quality.
Relate articles with documented SLAs to appropriate services in the Service Portfolio.
Keep information about contracts between the service provider and the customer and types of these agreements.
The SimpleOne SLMmethods and tools are designed to keep and manage information about IT service quality targets and their values. The SLM advanced features help administrators to configure and establish the relationships between target entities in a flexible and simple way. From this article you will also learn about complex agreements that allow to implement processes involving interactions with various stakeholders, both internal and external.
An indicator is a rule of a time counter activation that is specified by proper conditions for starting, pausing, and stopping this counter. It also determines a time limit for declaring SLA as breached.
Learn about the SLA Indication widget used to visualize the time left till the nearest SLA breach time. When theSLA indicatorsare set and the start conditions are met, the widget displays countdown of relevantindicationsfor the record.