System search properties allow SimpleOne administrators to specify the search behavior settings. Use the following system properties to configure the way and view of the search result displaying.

Role required: admin.

To change the system property value, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
  2. Open the property you need.
  3. Enter the desired number in the Value field.


This property enables the search function. Use true or false values to activate or deactivate the search results display. If you disable the search, groups, and tables are also not displayed.

DescriptionTypeDefault value
Enables the text search capability.BooleanTrue

The asterisk search operator is used by default if space separates the query words.
DescriptionTypeDefault value

This property extends asterisk usage as a wildcard symbol. Type '*' before or after keywords in the search mode to extend your search query.

See the Global Search article to learn more about all search operators.



Search tables specify data sources for text search indexing. Within the groups, these tables also collect the search results, determining its category. 

DescriptionTypeDefault valueExample

Specify the list of tables separated by a comma that will not appear as options when setting up the Global Text Search tables.

In the Value field, enter the names of the system tables you need to exclude.

String[]task, task_template, common_task


In addition to ACL checking the search tables when processing a query, this system property specifies the list of roles allowed to use the global search features.

DescriptionTypeDefault valueExample
Specify the comma-separated list of roles authorized to use the Global Text Search.StringNot definedincident_manager, change_manager, admin


A search table has the limited number of the records found. The value of this property defines the limit.

DescriptionTypeDefault valueExample
The maximum number of results that can be returned after the index search. This value is used to limit the number of records displayed after extracting from the text index.Integer2000100


A search result is displayed as a record presented with a title name and field values. Record field values have the <column_name>: <field_value> format, and its length may be limited with the search_text_service.portal.number_of_words_in_context property.

DescriptionTypeDefault valueExample
The maximum number of words apart from the query word or phrase displayed in search results.Integer810


A search result is displayed as a record presented with a title name and field values. Field values have the <column_name>: <field_value> format. The length of field values may be limited on the portal with the search_text_service.portal.number_of_words_in_context property.

DescriptionTypeDefault valueExample
The maximum number of words apart from the query word or phrase displayed in search results on the portal.Integer3235


This property limits the number of the result records displayed on the search result page in the agent interface. Click Show more to open next series of results.

DescriptionTypeDefault valueExample
The maximum number of results that can be displayed on the page after a search query. Integer1020