In SimpleOne, we pay a lot of attention to interface and combine the best user experience and modern design. Our goal is to make it clear and comfortable for users.
Get acquainted with the main working areas of the SimpleOne system:
Browse and manage your SimpleOne system with the Navigation menu.
Create Categories and Menu Items with the menu features, set them as Favorites to provide quick access.
The Navigation filter allows users to find menu categories or menu items they want quickly.
To apply the search query, start typing the words or word fragments in the text field. The Navigation menu with the applied filter displays the categories and category items which names match the condition.
Dynamic menu is a special navigator element that works as the entry point to a separate submenu. Categories and items of such a menu are formed based on specified table data.
The Global Search allows users to find information by the indexed fields of the category items lists.
To search the information, fill in the Search field with a word or word fragment, then click the search icon or press Enter.
All search results are displayed in the main area. Categories containing search results are listed in panel on the right.
Manage your profile information and account activity with the User Menu. To use its features, click your login on the top right and select one of the options in a drop-down list.
Customize your SimpleOne program workspace with general and other settings according to your needs. Click the gear icon on the right of your profile name and set the desired options. To close the preferences panel, click
The general preferences allow users to specify the interface language and your timezone and preferable date format. There, you can also specify the main page of the interface you will see after you log into SimpleOne or after clicking on the logo in the top left corner.
In the main area, you can interact with records and widgets. See the <![CDATA[Records: form interface and <![CDATA[Records: list interface articles to learn more.