The SimpleOne version control system allows to monitor and save changes in the records that contain information on the instance configuration, restore the previous configuration versions and compile packages to transfer the configuration to other SimpleOne instances.
To be processed by the version control system, a table must have the is_vcs_enabled property enabled (the Is VCS enabled checkbox on the table form).
When deploying the platform on an instance, the Simple application is created by default. The Simple application is primarily used to store system configuration. For example, configuration of the system tables and their columns, related translations, form and list view settings, business rules, client scripts and others.
The application a configuration record belongs to is determined by the Application (application_id) system column. The value in this column is entered automatically when a versioned record is created, according to the current user application and cannot be changed after creation. The configuration record of an application cannot be changed within another application.
In addition to the Simple application, one or more out-of-the-box business applications can be installed on an instance. When configuring an instance, the developers supplement the configuration of the out-of-the-box solutions. When selecting the package application at the start of development, attention must be paid to the application of the tables for which the business logic is going to be developed. For example, if you need to configure business logic for the Incident (itsm_incident) table. This table belongs to the ITSM application, so business rules for it must be created in the ITSM application, since some changes to the out-of-the-box configuration of the ITSM application may be required.
Creating a separate application must be substantiated by the isolated nature of the developed functionality module. For example, module tables are inherited from the out-of-the-box tables, but the majority of business logic will be redefined by creating additional configuration.
If you create your own application to configure the out-of-the-box application, the development process will be hindered by the necessity to constantly change the application and assemble several local packs in several applications. As a consequence, these packages will be impossible to combine, since they will be related to different applications. The SSO, LDAP, email accounts should be configured in the Simple application, since it will most likely require configuration of the system properties within the Simple application.