You can use Configuration packs to monitor changes in particular records.
Each action (create, delete, update) on a versioned table object leads to creation of a record in the VCS Records (sys_vcs_record) table. This table contains information about the changes done in any application on the platform.
VCS records cannot be created, updated, or deleted manually. These records are created automatically by the system. Only users with theadminrole can read them.
Admin can also edit the Local Pack and Is Strong Overwrite fields.
Protection Policy
The Protection Policy attribute is responsible for data protection purposes. After creating a record in the versioned table, the Protection Policy for this record is Open. Once the record is updated, the Protection Policy becomes Changed. These values are transferred to the Record Policy field in the related VCS record, that is, the record version has the same Policy as the record itself.
Admincan update only the Local Pack and Is Strong Overwrite fields of records with any protection policy.
During the importing process, the records possible to overwrite can be updated. Both record policy values set in the system and in the configuration pack are taken into account. All possible policy combinations are described in the table below.
After development is over, make sure about two points:
No redundant changes were added to the local pack.
No record versions have the Record Policy attribute value equal to Changed.
If there are any, then you can fix such record versions automatically using the Export → As a New Application UI action located in the form hamburger menu on the top left .
When building up local packs containing changes for any application objects provided by the vendor, do not change the Record Policy attribute value for related record versions to Open. It may lead to the version state missing when the application update is delivered.
To avoid conflicts when updating application versions provided by the vendor, do not change the OOB-configuration. In this way, follow the guidelines below:
Clone the configuration you need to update using the Make a copy UI action (this UI action is located in the form hamburger menu on the top left ).
Deactivate the original configuration:
Return to the form of this configuration.
Unselect the Active checkbox.
Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.
Make changes to the created copy, not to the original record.