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In SimpleOne, you can create incident categories and subcategories using columns of type Choice, which allows to add options to classify incidents and distinguish them. 

Role required: admin.

Add a category or subcategory

To add an incident category or subcategory, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System Definition → All Columns.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes. For more information, refer to the Choice fields article.

Column form fields

TableYThe table where the category will be stored. Select Incidents.
Column TypeYSpecify a column type of the category. The column type specifies the type of the data stored. Select Choice.
TitleYSpecify the category name to be displayed on the form. You can use Latin and Cyrillic letters, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ).
Column NameYSystem column name. This field is populated automatically when you fill in the Title field. You can use Latin letters, [0..9] numbers, and the underscore symbol ( _ ).
CommentsNAdd comments for the category.
ActiveNSelect this checkbox to activate or deactivate the column.
Read OnlyNSelect this checkbox to make the field read-only.
MandatoryNSelect this checkbox to make the field mandatory.
UniqueNWhen selected, there is no way to add a record with a value of this field, if a record with the same value already exists.
Full Text SearchN

Select this checkbox to make it possible to perform a global search against the current column.

Display by RefN

When a record references another record and the table or column containing this record has the attribute Display by Ref set to true, the column value will be displayed.

By default, this attribute is set to true for the sys_id column (this column contains unique IDs).

If a table contains a field that has Display by Ref set to true, the value of this field will be displayed when referencing this table in the Reference field.

Type Specification tab
Choice TableNSpecify a reference to a table.
Choice Type Y

Define whether the option "None" is applicable to the field. Available options:

  • Dropdown with --None--
  • Dropdown without --None-- (specify a default value)

If the Dropdown without --None-- is chosen, the Default Value tab becomes mandatory.

Extra AttributesN

Enter the below text to apply the radio buttons style to the choice field:


Default Value tab
Use Dynamic DefaultNSelect the checkbox if you want to generate the default value dynamically.
Dynamic DefaultY

This field appears only when the Use Dynamic Default attribute is set to true.

Click the magnifier icon and select the script from the Dynamic Default Values (sys_default_value_dynamic) dictionary, so its execution results are automatically calculated and entered into this field. This value will be the default value for the column specified.

  • The script must preliminarily be created in the Dynamic Default Values (sys_default_value_dynamic) dictionary; otherwise, you will not be able to choose it.
  • You can choose only active scripts (the Active attribute is selected).
Default ValueNSpecify a default value that will be populated automatically to the field when a new record is created. 

To create choice options, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the choice column for which you need to create a set of options.
  2. Scroll down to the Related Lists area and select the Choice tab.
  3. Click New and fill in the fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

Delete a category or subcategory

To delete an incident category or subcategory column and choice options, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the System Definition → All Columns.
  2. Click the magnifier icon to filter the incident table columns. 
  3. Find the category or subcategory column you want to delete. Select the checkbox icon on the left.
  4. Click Delete at the top of the page.

To delete only certain choice options, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the choice column from which you need to delete options.
  2. Scroll down to the Related Lists area and select the Choice tab.
  3. Choose items you want to delete by selecting the checkbox icon on the left.
  4. Click Delete at the top of the Choice tab.

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