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Events allow create tasks for server-side scripts executing or notification sending at specified point of time.

Every script executing event consists of:

  • the script body (stored in the Event Script Action (sys_event_script_action) table).
  • the register record which the script (or scripts) refers to.
  • the event record that calls the register record (the linked script is executed as a result).
  • the notification rule called by the Event Register (sys_event_register) record.
  • the notification script which the notification rule (or rules) refers to.

Event structure

How to create an event

To create an event, the server-side API methods ss.eventQueue or ss.eventQueueScheduled should be used. Create an event as described in the referenced articles, and as a result, records in the Event (sys_event) table will be created.

The example of such record is described below.

Role required: admin.

Event Record




The name of the record called from the Event Register (sys_event_register) table.


The ID of the Record object.

When creating an event via calling methods ss.eventQueue or ss.eventQueueScheduled, you have to pass on the Record object. The object ID will be saved in this field.

You'll be able to call on this value in the Event Script Action (sys_event_script_action) script body:



This field contains a reference to the record table that was passed at the time when the event has been created. This field is populated automatically.

Process started at

The date and time of the system event execution start. As for scheduled events, this field is populated with the value passed by the third parameter of the ss.eventQueueScheduled method.

The date and time of the Event Script Action (sys_event_script_action) script execution.

Process finished on

The date and time when the event has been finished.

Param_1...Param_ 5

The string parameters that can be transmitted to the specified Event (sys_event) record via the SimpleOne server-side API (ss.eventQueue and ss.eventQueueScheduled methods).


Event state:

  • Ready – event is pending for execution. Execution time is specified in the Process on field.
  • Processed – the event has been processed. Processing time is specified in the Processed field.
  • Error – the event processing has been failed. Processing time is specified in the Processed field.

Processing duration, ms

The Event Script Action (sys_event_script_action) script processing duration in milliseconds.


The event originator. The script specified in the Event Script Action record will be executed with the permissions of this user and the ACL restrictions will be also taken into account. As a general rule, this field value is equal to the originator of the ss.eventQueue originator.

The Related List on the form event contains the list of all scripts from the Event Script Action (sys_event_script_action) table, that will be executed (or has been executed).

Event Register Record




The name of the register record on which the script will be referenced to and which will be used to call an event in the event record.

TableStarts only those events that contain a record related to a specified table.

The Related List on the form event contains the list of all scripts from the Event Script Action (sys_event_script_action) table that are referenced to the current record.

Event Script Action Record




The name of the event script action.

Event Register Record

The reference to the record in the Event Register (sys_event_register) table.

ActiveSelect this checkbox to make the script action active or inactive.
Execution orderSpecify the event script action execution order if there are more than one record for the related Event Register (sys_event_register) table. Actions are executed in ascending order.


The script executed when the event is fired.

There are five additional string parameters (Param_1 ... Param_5) available in the script body, so you can call their value this way:

event.param_1, event.param_2;

You can also address to other field values of the following record:


Events are the objects of the Event (sys_event) table, so any fields can be addressed, as well as through dot-walking feature.

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