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To create a record extended model, please complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Record Extended Model → Models.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Record extended model form fields

NameThe model name. This field is mandatory.
TitleThe model title. Can be in a language other English. This field is mandatory.
DescriptionThe model description. 

Reference to a table affected by the model.

Please note that you cannot specify a read-only table. To use such a table, please turn off this attribute first.

ActiveSelect this checkbox to make the model active or inactive.
IconReduced image intended for the model identification.
After insert scriptSpecify a script that should be executed after a record is created. Develop it using JavaScript extended by the SimpleOne Server-Side API and Client-Side API methods.

Related lists:


Model client script

Model form element

To create a record extended model attribute, please complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Record Extended Model → Attributes.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Record extended model attribute form fields

RE modelReference to a previously created model.
Column typeSpecify a column type 
Column name
Map to column

To create a record extended model client script, please complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Record Extended Model → Model Client Scripts.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Record extended model client script form fields

NameClient script name. This field is mandatory.
RE modelReference to a previously created model. This field is mandatory.

The script type:

  • onLoad – it starts when the system displays the form for the first time before users will enter data. Generally, onLoad scripts perform manipulations on the client-side with the current form or set default record values;
  • onChange – it starts when the specified field in the form is changed;
  • onSubmit – this client-side script can cancel form submitting by returning false;
  • onCellEdit - this client-side script starts at the moment when some cell is to edit.
    • oldvalue - the old value for the cell that was edited;
    • newValue - the new value for the cell that was edited;
    • table - the table name of the cell being edited (for example, sys_db_table); 
    • sysId - the ID of the record relevant to the cell being edited;
    • callback - if this variable is equated to FALSE, then subsequent scripts will not run; otherwise, they will execute.
RE attributeReference to a previously created model attribute. This field is mandatory.
DescriptionClient script description.
ActiveSelect this checkbox to make the script active or inactive.
OrderClient script execution order. Scripts are executed in ascending order.
ScriptSpecify a client script. Develop it using JavaScript extended by the SimpleOne Client-Side API methods.

  • No labels