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Global Search allows searching for information with words, parts of words, and even phrases. Using this functionality provides you a fast reach of the data you need.
Role required: admin.
Search configuration guide
- Create a Search Group.
- Create a Search Table.
Configure indexed columns.
You can also configure the portal search to self-service portal users with the Search Groups settings.
Create a Search Group
Search groups specify the categories for outputting search results.
To create a search group, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to System Definition → Text search groups.
- Click New.
- Fill in the form.
- Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.
Form description
Field | Description |
Name | Enter the name of a grouping category for the search results. |
Portal | To make the search group available for self-service portal users, click the magnifier icon The search group is available either for end-users only or for SimpleOne agents only. To make the search group agents-only, leave this field empty. |
Order | Enter the integer number in the field to define the sequence in which the search results groups displayed. The groups are displayed in the ascending order. |
Description | A brief or detailed information about the search group. |
Active | Set this checkbox active to make the group available and visible for users. |
Default opened | Set this checkbox active to make the group unveiled, so that, the search results are visible within the search navigator bar. Ex., the Task search group below has the inactive Default opened checkbox. |
Create a Search Table
Search tables specify data sources for text search indexing. Within the groups, these tables also collect the search results determining its categories.
The system property search_text_service.excluded_tables allows to specify tables not appeared as options when setting up the Search tables.
To create a search table, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to System Definition → Text search tables.
- Click New.
- Fill in the form.
- Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.
Text Search Table
Field | Description |
Name | Enter the name of a table displayed in search results. |
Table | Specify a source table of data indexed for search. Click the magnifier icon |
Search Group | Assign a group to the table for displaying the search results. Click the magnifier icon |
Order | Enter the integer number in the field to define the sequence in which the search results tables displayed. The tables are displayed in the ascending order. |
Active | Set this checkbox active to make the search table available and visible for users. |
Configure indexed columns
The search is performed using the records of the Search Indices table created when indexing the table columns. In this way, all field values of the records existing will be added to Search Indices as separate records.
The column will be indexed and thus added to the table only if the group and table are defined.
- Navigate to System Definition → All columns.
- Open the desired Column record. Use filter options or Condition Builder if you need to find it.
- On the record form, set the Full text search checkbox to the active state.
- Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes. The system automatically will add the field values of the this table column to Search Indices.
The Search Indice form fields
Field | Description |
Record | A record containg the field indexed. |
Table | A reference field containing the name of a table from sys_db_table the indexed column belongs to. |
Column | A reference field containing the name of a indexed column of the table specified in the Table field. |
Text | A particular record field value. |
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