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Comment: Merged branch "DOC0001399" into parent

Create change tasks

If solving a change request requires the participation of several departments, you can create a сhange change task for each of them. 

To create a change task, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change EnablementAll Change Requests and open the change request you need to work on.
  2. Open the Change Tasks tab in the Related Lists area.
  3. Click New and fill in the form.
  4. Specify the start and end dates on the Schedule tab for task implementation.
  5. Click Save or Save and Exit

You can create as many change tasks as you need.

Change Tasks form fields

NumberYThis field contains a change request task number in CHTXXXXXXX format and is populated automatically.
Change requestYSpecify the change request for which you need to create a task. This field is populated automatically
with the number of the parent change request
when you create a change task from the related list on the change request form.
PhaseYSpecify the change phase, depending on its schedule.

Define the type of the change task.Available options:

  • Planning
  • Review
  • Testing
  • Implementation

The task type can be customized based on business needs (for example, Deployment Task, Code Review Task, Documentation Task).

SubjectYSpecify the task subject.
DescriptionNAdd a detailed description of the task.
Assignment Group
Followers list

Select a group to assign the task to.


When a change request task is assigned to a responsible group, the Assigned User field becomes non-mandatory. 

There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. Refer to the

Specify the users to receive notifications, when:

  • Work note is added to the activity feed; 
  • The record state changes;
  • The value of the fields Assignment Group, Assigned User changes;
  • The agent adds or deletes a follower. 

The users will not receive notifications when a user Follows or Unfollows the record on their own using a corresponding UI-action on the form. 


The field is read-only when the record is in the Canceled or Closed state

Task Auto Assignment article to learn more



Specify the task state. Available



  • Draft
  • Waiting for
change authorizationRegistered
  • Change Authorization
  • To Do
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Closed
  • Canceled
  • The Draft state is displayed when the related change request is in the Registered state.
  • The Waiting for
change authorization 
  • Change Authorization state is displayed when the related change request is in
the Registered 
  • the Registered state and waiting for the CAB approval (state is Authorization). Once the change request is authorized, the task state changes
to Registered
  • to To Do.
  • If the task is moved to the Canceled state, the user responsible for the parent change request receives an email notification about it.
  • The Closed state appears only when the change task is in the Completed state.

Assignment GroupY

Select a group to assign the task to.


When a change request task is assigned to a responsible group, the Assigned User field becomes non-mandatory. 

There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. Refer to the Auto Assignment article to learn more.

Assigned UserY

Select a person to assign the task to.


When a change request task is assigned to a responsible person, the Assignment Group field becomes non-mandatory. 

There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. Refer to the


Auto Assignment article to learn more.

On HoldNSelect the checkbox to show that the work on the task is paused. 
Notes tabAdditional Comments
Plan is readyN
Add any comments

Select this checkbox to notify the user responsible for the parent change request that the change task plan is ready.
This checkbox is active only for change tasks in the Registered state.

When all change tasks related to the parent change request are saved with this checkbox selected, the user responsible for the parent change request receives an email notification that all the change task plans are ready, and the authorization is required.

Notes tab
Work NotesN



work notes

related to the change task

. The field becomes mandatory when:

  • the Assigned user changes the state to CompletedCanceled or Closed.
  • other user with the ITSM_agent role changes the State value.
Schedule tab
Planned Start DatetimeNDate when the assigned person is supposed to start working on this task.
Planned End DatetimeNDate when the task should be in the Completed or Closed state.
Previous TaskNTask that was done before this one.
Actual Start DatetimeNDate when the assigned person started working on this task. The agent should fill in this field.
Actual End DatetimeNDate when the assigned person finished working on this task. The agent should fill in this field.
Next TaskNTask that will be done after. 

Change task state model

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Create a change request announcement

You can create an announcement informing users related to the change request process.

To create a change request announcement, please perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change Enablement → All Change Requests and open the change request you need to work on.
  2. Click the Create Announcement button in the change request form.
  3. Fill in the fields. 
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit.

Image Removed

Service Announcement form fields





YThis field is populated automatically with the announcement number in ANCMXXXXXXX format.StateY

This field is populated automatically with New.

Related ChangeYThis field is populated automatically with the identifier number and the change request subject.Announcement Type Y

Available options:

  • Maintenance – this type of announcement informs that some service or CI recovery activities will be under maintenance in the specified period.
  • Urgent Maintenance –this type of announcement informs that some service or CI recovery activities will be under maintenance at the nearest time due to high urgency. 

    Follow / Unfollow UI-actions are available on the form. If you click Follow, you will be added to the Followers list and start receiving notifications. If you click Unfollow, you will stop receiving notifications about the changes in the record.

    Access to the form fields

    The read or update access to certain fields of a record can vary depending on the current user's roles.

    • The users with the ITSM_agent or change_manager roles, other than the creator of the change task or the assigned user, can:
      • View the record.
      • Submit Work notes in all states of the change task other than Closed.
      • Edit the Followers list field value.
      • Edit the State, Assignment group, and Assigned user field values in all states of the change task. The Work notes field becomes mandatory in this case.
    • The caller can:
      • View the record, except for the Work notes field.

    Change task state model

    Image Added

    Create a change request announcement

    You can create an announcement informing affected users about the change request process. For more information, see General Concepts and Procedures.

    ServiceYSelect the service affected by the change request.Recipient EmailNSpecify the email of the announcement recipient. You can add multiple emails separated by commas.Reviewer's EmailNSpecify the email of the announcement reviewer. You can add multiple emails separated by commas.SubjectYThis field will be populated automatically with the change request subject.Announcement BodyNType the message you need to share with users about this incident. You can design the announcement body using the built-in editor functionality, such as by formatting the text, working with tables and media, lists, styles, and headings.SignatureNReference to the Announcement Signature.DescriptionNAdd a description of the announcement.via EmailNSelect the checkbox to send this announcement via email. It will be sent to all addresses specified in the Recipient Email field.via PortalNSelect the checkbox to display this announcement on the Service Portal in the Portal Announcements area.

    Create relationships

    You can create relationships between changes and other types of tasks. 

    To add a new relationship, complete the following steps:

    1. Navigate to Change Enablement → All Change Requests and open and open the required change request you want to work on.
    2. Open the Related Records tab.
    3. Click the magnifier icon next to the appropriate respective field.
    4. In the window that appears, choose the necessary option.
    5. Click Save Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

    Relationship Types



    Caused by IncidentsThis change request is the cause of the incidents specified.
    Caused by ProblemsThis change request is the cause of the problems specified.
    Caused by RequestsThis change request is the cause of the service requests specified.
    Related ArticlesThis change request is related to the Knowledge Base Articlesarticles specified.
    Related User QueryThis change request is related to the user query specified.
    Related IncidentsThis change request is related to the incident specified.
    Related Problems

    Resolved Problems

    This change request is related to the problem specified.
    Resolved IncidentsThe incidents specified will be resolved after resolving this change request.
    The problems specified will be resolved after resolving this change  request. 

    Table of Contents