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An Indication is a time counter automatically generated when the Indicator start condition is start conditions are met. It shows all It shows all primary timings, time points, and the current state of the SLA for a particular record (an incident, a request, etc.), which allows which allows for tracking the level of the service quality target indicators.

To check the active service level indications, navigate to Service Level Management → Indication.

When creating an Indication record, the system also fills in the fields of this record. Time points and timings are also automatically recalculated when the indicator counting pausescancels or stops.

The Indication form fields

IndicatorNAn indicator that triggered initiated the start of the indication creation and started the counter.
TimezoneNThe indication timezone.
RecordNAn original task that induces the SLA counting.
BreachedNA marker that shows whether SLA has been breached or not.
Actual Elapsed TimeAstronomical time elapsedNActual time elapsed since the moment of an indication creation start displayed in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. It is calculated on a regular 24/7 basis. The field itself stores duration in milliseconds

Astronomical time elapsed in %Actual Elapsed Percentage 



A ratio calculated by the formula below.

Actual Left TimeAstronomical left timeNActual time left until the SLA breaches displayed in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. It is calculated on a regular 24/7 basis. The field itself stores duration in milliseconds.
Start timeN

Date and time when an indication has started. 

Complete timeN

Date and time when a time counter (an indication) stopped.


The current state of an indication specified with one of the values below:

  • In progress – an indication is active, and the counter is on.
  • Paused – an indication pauses when the system meets an indicator pause condition. In this case, the Breach time value increases by the pause time duration (or the total pause duration in case if the indicator has been paused more than once). 


    It works only for the indication whose indicator Breach time value is defined by duration. When the Breach time value is defined by the field, pauses are not taken into account.

  • Canceled – an indication cancels counting when the system meets an indicator cancel condition.
  • Completed – an indication counter stops when the system meets stop condition, the SLA is not breached.
Pause onNThe last date and time when the Indication paused.
Pause TimetimeNThe duration of the Indication paused displayed in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The field itself stores duration in milliseconds.
Business Elapsed Timetime elapsedN

Business time elapsed since the indication creation moment in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. It counts the working calendar specified in the Schedule field of the original Indicator. The field itself stores duration in milliseconds.

This field displays how much business time time has passed since the task creationwas started.

Business Elapsed Percentagetime elapsed in %N

A ratio calculated by the formula below.

Business Left Timetime leftN

Business time left until the SLA breaches displayed in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The calculations counts the working calendar specified in the Schedule field of the original Indicator. The field itself stores duration in milliseconds.

Start TimeN

A date and time when the system has created an indication.

Complete TimeN

A date and time when a time counter (an indication) stopped.

Breach time

Breach Time
breach time
breach time

NA date and time of the SLA breach , which that the system calculates, taking into the pause duration, or that is taken from the field defined in the Breach time field.
Original Breach Timebreach timeNOriginal date and time of the SLA breach, calculated at the moment when the system creates an indication or taken from the field defined in the Breach time field.

Timings and percentages

The indication record contains two field sets containing timing information related to the task. These are:

  • Astronomical time elapsed
  • Astronomical time elapsed in %
  • Astronomical time left
  • Actual Elapsed Time
  • Actual Elapsed Percentage
  • Actual Left Time


  • Business Elapsed Timetime elapsed
  • Business Elapsed Percentagetime elapsed in %
  • Business Left Timetime left

The difference between these values is that the "actual" values are always calculated on the 24x7 basis and the "business" values take the schedule specified for the related indicator into account.

Let us consider an example for more clarity.

  1. Create an indicator with the conditions like shown below:


    NameSpecify a preferable name here
    Commitment typeResolution Time
    Indication start timeDefined by condition
    Indication breach timeDefined by duration
    Business durationDuration10 minutes
    Timezone sourceIndicator timezone
    Start conditions
    ConditionState IS Registered In Progress
    When to CancelcancelNeverDo not cancel
    Pause conditions
    ConditionState IS Postponed Ready for deploy
    Complete conditions
    ConditionState IS Closed completeComplete

  2. Create a Task record and move it to the Registered state. For this, please complete the steps below:

    1. Navigate to https://{your_instance_url}/record/task
    2. Fill in the mandatory fields. Move it in to the In Progress state.
    3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes. An indication started.

The Start Timetime field of the indication is populated with the time when it the indication actually started. The Original Breach Timebreach time field is populated with the time when it indication is to breach. This value is calculated by summarizing the indication start time and the related indicator duration.

Consider a case that an indicator uses a popular schedule "8x5" (5 working days for 8 hours). Using this schedule, the difference between actual and business timings can be considerable.

For example:

An incident raised at 2 1 pm on a working day. The indication start condition is defined as "State IS In Progress", and indication complete condition is defined as "State IS Completed". So the incident was taken to work on 3 2 pm (the indication started), and it was completed on 11 am on the next day (the indication completed). So, its business elapsed time was 5 hours, while the actual elapsed time was 21 hours.

Image Modified

To check the incident indication, please complete the steps below:

  1. Open the incident form you need.
  2. Scroll down to the Related Lists area and open the Timepoints Indication tab.
  3. Open the indication record you need to check.

Calculation nuances

As mentioned above, the "actual" timing values (that is, the values of the Actual Elapsed Time, Actual Elapsed PercentageAstronomical time elapsed, Astronomical time elapsed in %, and the Actual Left Time Astronomical time left fields) are always calculated on the 24x7 basis, unlike the "business" values (the values of the Business Elapsed Timetime elapsedBusiness Elapsed Percentagetime elapsed in %, and the Business Left Timetime left fields). These fields consider the schedule specified in the parent indicator.

  • If the specified schedule is not specifiedinvalid or deleted, then the 24x7 schedule is used for calculations.
  • A schedule is applied based on the timezone specified in the parent indicator.


In formulas below, NOW stands for the current date and time.

The Actual Elapsed Time Astonomical time elapsed (ATE) value is calculated as the difference between the current date and time and the Start Timetime (ST) value.


The Actual Left Time Astronomical time left (ATL) value is calculated as the difference between the Breach Time value and Indicator Duration value.time (BT) value and the current date and time.



After the indication is breached, the Actual Left Time Astronomical time left stops calculating (that is, no more time left). Also, the Actual Elapsed Time and Actual Left Time Astronomical time elapsed and Astronomical time left values stored in the Duration format.

The Actual Elapsed Percentage Astronomical time elapsed in % (ATE%) value is calculated by the formula below:

AE% ATE% = AETATE/D*100%, where D is for Indicator durationAD* 100 (%).

Business timings and percentages are calculated as given below.





Start time (ST)AbsentIndication start date and time.
Breach time (

SLA breach date and time.

  • If the breach time is defined by duration, in pause it is counted every time when the indication is recalculated. It means that mPT is always taken into account in BrT.
  • If the breach time is defined by the field, it does not take mPT into account in calculations.

Pause time (PT)Absent
Pauses total
Total duration of pauses.
Astronomical duration (AD)BrT - ST

An actual duration. It is used to calculate the actual time according to the 24x7 schedule.

Indicator duration
indication duration
indicator duration. It is used in business time calculations according to the specified schedule.
mPT(NOW - Paused On)^SCH

Pause duration for now (if an indication is paused).

The ^SCH means that the formula uses specified schedule when calculating.


The Business

Elapsed Time

time elapsed and Business

Left Time

time left values are calculated based on the schedule specified and stored in the Duration format.

The Business Elapsed Timetime elapsed (BTE) value can be calculated using the formula below:

BET BTE = (NOW - ST)^SCH - ( PT + mPT) ; The ^SCH means that the formula uses specified schedule when calculating.

The Business Left Timetime left (BTL) value can be calculated using the formula below:

BLT BTL = ((BrT + mPT) - NOW)^SCH ; The ^SCH means that the formula uses specified schedule when calculating.


After the indication is breached, the Business Left Timetime left stops calculating (that is, no more time left).

The Business Elapsed Percentagetime elapsed in % (BTE%) can be calculated using the formula below:

BE% BTE% = BETBTE/D * 100 (%)


The working time consumption rate is calculated to maximum value for BTE% is 999% by default.

Indications recalculation

Sometimes indicators may no longer be valid (for example, after the cancel conditions were met). This happens because the indicator (and the indication as well) originally started with other conditions, and after that, a new indication is to be started with the same Commitment.

To simplify this process, indication recalculation was implemented.

How it works (example)

  • An indication started, equal to four hours according to the relevant indicator.  
  • Three hours later, due to meeting the cancel conditions, the indication has been canceled.
  • A new indication is started.
  • The business_elapsed_percentage parameter from the canceled indication is used to make an equation like 0%<business_elapsed_percentage <100%.

  • If the value of this parameter meets the condition, then the new indicator duration equates to (indicator.duration*(business_elapsed_percentage/100)).

    An indication is recalculated only when two conditions are met:

    1. new_indication.duration < old_indication.duration
    2. The old indication was not breached.

    If any of these conditions were not met, then indication recalculation is not used, and the new indication start time is the same as that of the canceled one (new_indication.started_at = old_indication.started_at)

    All these activities are logged in the History (sys_history) table. To acquaint with them, please navigate to System Logs → History and open the record that is the entry of interest.

    Configuring indications

    There are system properties that allow for setting indication records such as breach time and recalculation period. To set them, please do complete the following steps:

    1. Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
    2. Find the property you need to edit using the list search boxes or the Condition Builder and open it.
    3. Edit the Value field.
    4. Click Save or Save and Exit.
    Property NameDescription


    Specifies Specify the recalculation period for breached indications. The default value is 7200 seconds (2 hours).


    Specifies Specify the indication recalculation period when there is more than one day left before breach.


    Specifies Specify the indication recalculation period when there are from 6 hours to 1 day left before breach.


    Specifies Specify the indication recalculation period when there are from 2 to 6 hours left before breach.


    Specifies Specify the indication recalculation period when there are from 30 minutes to 2 hours left before breach.


    Specifies Specify the indication recalculation period when there are less than 30 minutes left before breach.


    Specifies Specify the percentage value for the Actual Elapsed Percentage field Astronomical time elapsed in % field after which the indication stops recalculation. This value should be greater or equal to 100%. The default value is 1100%.

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