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  • This line was added.
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Role required: admin.

Email account is the set of options that is responsible for the configuration of email processing. It can be a pre-configured account with the SMTP protocol (for sending emails), POP3 protocol (for receiving emails), and IMAP protocol (for receiving emails).

Use the property to enable or disable email sending from the account. 

To set it up, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
  2. Find the property record using the list search boxesand open it.
  3. In the Value field, enter true to enable email sending, or false to disable it.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

The email account configuration includes the following steps:

  1. Creating an email account
  2. Testing the connection (optional)
  3. Configuring default settings.

Creating an email account 
creating an email account
creating an email account


It is recommended to configure email accounts within the Simple application due to the fact that Email Properties are located in this application. The email tuning will become easier if necessary properties and email accounts share the same application.

To create an email account, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the System Mailboxes → Email Accounts.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Email Account form fields

NameYSpecify the displayed account name.

Define the account type, based on a specific protocol. Available options:

  • SMTP
  • IMAP
  • POP3

When SMTP option is selected, the From field appears on the form.


Sender address to be displayed in the From field of the message.


This field appears when the SMTP option is selected in the Type field.

ServerYSpecify the hostname of the server used for the mail processing.
LoginYServer user login.
PasswordYServer user password.
Email user labelNDescriptive user label.
ActiveNSelect this checkbox to activate the account.
Enable debugNSelect this checkbox to have more extended logs. This will help to indicate issues while configuring email settings.
PortYSpecify the port that the server will be running on.
Enable SSLNSelect this checkbox to enable SSL encryption.
Enable TLSNSelect this checkbox to enable TLS encryption.
Disable certificate validationN

Select this checkbox to allow connecting to the email server without checking the certificate. Disable Certificate Validation is unselected by default.


Disabling the validation is helpful when a self-signed certificate is used.

The property allows specifying a test email address for email debugging. After set up, all mail sent from the instance will be redirected to this address.

To set it up, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
  2. Find the property record using the list search boxesand open it.
  3. In the Value field, enter the text you need.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Test connection
test connection
test connection

When you finish configuring the email account.

To test the connection, please follow these steps:

  • Select the Enable Debug checkbox and click Save.
  • Scroll down to the Related Links area (above the Related Lists area).
  • Click the Test Connection link.
  • If the connection is set, make the created account default.

In the Log (sys_log) table, you can track the operation processing:

  1. Navigate to System Logs → Main Log.
  2. Apply this filter: Source is Email Logger.
  3. Open a record if needed.

Main Log form fields




SourceYThe source from where the message was produced (IMAP Authorization, SMTP Authorization, Incoming mail, and others).

Message category:

  • Debug – debug message
  • Info – information message
  • Warning – warning message
  • Error – error message.
MessageNThe message containing information about the 
UsernameNThe name of a user who created the log or the system if it was created automatically.
Created byY

Information about who has created the record.

Created atYThis field stores information about the date and time of record creation.

In our example, we set up an IMAP email account. In the screenshot below:

  1. IMAP authorization session has been set up.
  2. After the successful authorization, the list of email IDs was called from the server.
  3. The call was processed, and the list was received.

Image Added

If connection fails, a warning message appears:

Image Added

In this case, check logs to find the error cause. To perform this, navigate to System Logs → Main Log and make a log selection based on the criteria below:

  • Source = Email Logger
  • Level = Error

Use Condition Builder to build an appropriate filter. An example of the error record is given below:

Image Added

Default email account
default email account
default email account

To start using the created email account, set your email accounts as default ones. The system will insert them automatically into every letter, incoming or outgoing.

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the System Mailboxes → Email Accounts.
  2. Open the record you need.
  3. Find the email account ID in the address bar (it is a long number sequence), and copy it to the clipboard. 


    Image Added

  4. Navigate to the System Properties → All Properties.
  5. Find the property using the search box.
  6. In the Value field, paste the email account ID from the clipboard.
  7. Click Save or Save and Exit.


SimpleOne provides an automatic system of managing emails.

The email check is performed once a minute automatically. Incoming emails are registered automatically.

To read your inbox, please navigate to System Mailboxes → Incoming Emails. Use the filtering functionality and the Condition Builder to make the selection of emails you need.

Image Removed


Every email is represented as a table record. The original email is attached to the record in .eml format.

If any other files were attached to the original letter, they will also be attached to the record.

FieldMandatoryDescriptionSubjectYEmail subject. Should be entered in plain text, as described in RFC 822.FromYThe sender address.ToYThe recipient address.Body (Plain Text)YThe message content in plain text (service information, such as HTML tags, CSS styles and options, any others are discarded automatically).Body (HTML)N

The message content in HTML based on the rich text format. The following features are available:

  • Headings
  • Text effects
  • Text aligning
  • Text and background coloring
  • Font sizes
  • Media uploading
  • Numbered and bulleted lists
  • Tables and blocks
  • Hyperlinks.

The message status. Available choice options: 

  • Ready – the message is ready for further processing.
  • Attaching – this state is used during the incoming letter processing, before attachments are downloaded. After it is done, the state changes to Ready.
  • In Process – the message is in delivery process now.
  • Processed – the message was handled correctly.
  • Failed – message delivering was unsuccessful for some reasons.
  • Ignored – the message is inactive and will be ignored by the mail server.

The Ignored state is set when email sender and email recipient are the same. Saying more precisely, when email address in the email address in the sender profile is equal to the email address in the To field in email. To get this goal, set the Send Self attribute in the notification rule.

For more information, please refer to the Notifications article.


The type of new message. Available choice options:

  • New
  • Forward
  • Reply
  • Delivery
  • Calendar.
Content TypeNThis header is used to specify the MIME type of data in the letter. For example: text/html; image/png. This letter contains HTML text and a PNG image.Created on Server atNThis field displays the date and time when the message was received. This field is populated automatically.DirectionY

Email direction (Incoming).

Email AccountNThe email account used to send or receive emails. Configuring email accounts is described below.Target DocumentNIn this field, you can choose a document to attach to this message. The document must be referenced with the appropriate table first.Created byY

This field is populated automatically with the reference to the sender account.


The system user specified as a sender indicated that a letter was created as a result of the system event processing.

For more information, please refer to the Notifications article.

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