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User interface (UI) actions are buttons, links, and context menu items on forms and lists. They allow customizing you to customize the UI to be more interactive, adjustable, and comfortable for working.


Role required: admin.

UI action inheritance and override

In SimpleOne, you can inherit the UI actions can be inherited and then you can override their logic, scripts, order, name, or any other feature.

Inheritance rules

  1. The following UI actions are applied to forms and lists:
    • UT UI actions inherited and not overridden by the Overrides by option on at the current inheritance level of inheritance.
    • The functionality overridden on at the current level of the UI actions inheritance.
    • UI actions specified on the current level.
  2. UI action inherited on the 1st level with functionality overriding specified on the 2nd level cannot be applied on the 3rd level of inheritance. An inherited UI action specified on the 2nd level may be applied to the 3rd one.
  3. UI action inherited on the 1st level with the functionality overriding specified on the 3nd level cannot be overridden on the 2nd level. In this case, the system warns of active override option and requires for its deactivation.

The system provides UI Actions inheritance with the Inherits option. When a UI action has a Table attribute specified, and the Inherits option checkbox is enabledselected, the system applies this UI action to all children child tables of the one table specified before. 

To For child UI actions, the reference Parent option defines an ancestor a parent UI action with functionality options may that can be overridden if needednecessary.

To inherit a UI action, complete the steps below:

  1. Make Select the Inherits checkbox to make a UI action parent by setting the Inherits checkbox active and clicking the parent action, and click Save.
  2. Make a UI action child by specifying Specify the Parent field with the UI  UI action you want, then customizing need and customize the record.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

To override a UI action, complete the steps below:

  1. Open the child UI Action form.
  2. In the Overrides by field, specify a parent UI Action that should be overridden.



action types

  1. On forms:
    • Header Left
    • Header Right
    • Hamburger Menu
    • Field Label Context Menu
    • Link
    • Bottom
  2. On lists:
    • Header Left
    • Header Right
    • Hamburger Menu
    • Column Header Context Menu
    • Row Context Menu
    • Link
    • Bottom
  3. Other:
    • Button Context Menu
    • Dependency Map Context Menu

UI actions on form

UI actions on list

Customize UI actions


You can create new or customize existing UI actions.

To do this, please complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System Definitions → UI Actions.
  2. Click New or select an existing UI-action.
  3. Customize UI-action using the form provided.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

You can edit some types of UI actions like buttons, links in a quick way. For To do this, please complete the steps below:

  1. Right-click on the UI action you need to edit to open a context menu.
  2. Click Edit UI action. The specified UI action form appears.

Image Modified

Global UI



You can make a UI action display on all tables.

To do that, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the UI action record desired.
  2. On the form, specify Global table in the Table field.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Most hamburger menu items and some buttons on forms (New, Save, Save and Exit) and on lists (New, Delete) are global.

Embed a UI



The UI action functionality allows creating multiyou to create multi-level submenu options by embedding items for to the hamburger menu within forms and lists. 


This option is only available for the UI actions of the Hamburger Menu type.

To embed a UI action, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a parent UI action specifying , specify its type with the the Hamburger Menu checkboxes checkbox in the Form Style or List Style lanes on area in the Position and Style tab.
  2. Click Save and Exit to leave the form.
  3. Create a child UI action of the same type specifying its Parent option with UI action created before.
  4. (Optionaloptional) Set Select the Inherits option active checkbox.
  5. Click Save to apply the changes.

Display condition configuration

The condition optiondefines situations when UI actions displayed. The Condition field expects using server-side API, but in some cases, it is possible to apply client-side API. To enable client script use, on the UI action form, set select the Client option checked checkbox. Within In the Condition field, use the current object to access a UI action, use the current object. This object may be can only be used only for UI actions that are displayed on forms. 


It makes sense to invoke current within UI actions on updating Call the current object within the UI actions during the update since this object is defined in this situation. When creating a new UI action, the current value is NULL.

Use logical operators && (AND) and ||  (OR) for making up to compose the complex conditional expressionsconditions.

Condition option allows invoking Conditions allow you to call the server-side side Script Includes created. In the example below, the function wfContextExists() of Script Include with the same name gets current.sys_id and current.getTableName as recordID and tableName arguments.


The ss object allows invoking you to call the SimpleSystem methods.

This UI action is a reference to the record with the sys_id of the getTableName table. If a record exists, the function returns TRUE true, and , in the opposite, it returns FALSE false when there is no record found. Depending on the value returned, the function displays the UI action or not.

Code Block
titleFunction definitionExample
function wfContextExists(recordID, tableName){
  const table = new SimpleRecord('sys_db_table');
  table.get('name', tableName);
  const wfContext = new SimpleRecord('wf_context');
  wfContext.addQuery('related_record_id', ss.getDocIdByIds(table.sys_id, recordID));
  return (wfContext.getRowCount() > 0)

Define a UI action behavior with a script

The Script field defines the UI action behavior.   By default, this field supports the Server-Side API. Select the Client checkbox to switch the available API to the Client-Side API.

For example, this UI action adds an informational message with the Description field content:

Code Block
titleUI action


When the current object is invoked therecalled, it is not necessary to use the initialize() method; the object context is already initiated.

UI Action form fields

NameYSpecify a UI action name.
It specifies a
This text is displayed on the button, link, or as a context menu item.
Specify a table to display UI action on.
A form or a list or a context menu should be used.
ParentNSpecify the context menu item to be a parent for the current UI action (applicable for the Hamburger Menu UI action type).
Type the action brief description.
Select this checkbox to
make the UI
to be displayed on a form (list, context menu).
InheritsNSelect this checkbox to make this UI action available
for all
child tables
child for
of the table specified in the Table field.
Specify the order of the displaying
. If there are
over one
actions of the same type,
will be
are arranged in the ascending order.
Overrides byN
This field specifies

Specify a UI action

, which

that will be overridden by the current UI action.


Learn more about UI action inheritance and override.

Conditions and Actions
Show InsertNSelect this checkbox to display this UI action on a new record form.
Show UpdateNSelect this checkbox to display this UI action on an existing record form.
Wait Server ResponseN

Select this checkbox to specify that the system should wait for the server response after


the button is clicked. The button is disabled until the server responds.

ClientNSelect this checkbox to specify that this UI action
is only performed on the client side (in the user's browser).
Specify a condition
using server-side API. If this condition is
the Script
will be
is executed.
Specify a script that
will be
is executed by clicking the UI action.
This URL will be followed

Specify a URL that is displayed after clicking the UI action. You can use variables listed below



{CURRENT_TABLE}The name of the current table
on the record of which
whose records contain the UI action
is located
{CURRENT_ID}ID of the current record on which the UI action
is called.
{CURRENT_FORM_VIEW}The name of the form view
on which the UI action
is called.
{CURRENT_RELATED_LIST_VIEW}The name of the related list view
on which the UI action
is called.
{CURRENT_TABLE_ID}ID of the table
that is the current one for the UI action.
list view
of the list view on which the UI action
is called.

The table name for the list displayed


on the current page.

If the current page path is /list,

then this

the variable value equals to


the {CURRENT_TABLE} variable value. If the current page path is /record,

then this

the variable value contains the name of

the active

the active related list.


The table ID for the list displayed


on the current page.

If the current page path is /list, then this variable value equals to the {CURRENT_TABLE_ID} variable value. If the current page path is /record, then this variable value contains the name of the active related list.

{RELATED_COLUMN_NAME}This variable returns column name containing the referenced table ID.
{RELATED_LIST_ELEMENT_ID}This variable returns the active related list element ID.
{CURRENT_RELATED_ID}This variable returns the current related record ID.
{CURRENT_FORM_ID}This variable returns the current form view ID.

Position and Style
Use forN

In this block of fields, choose options defining where this UI action should be displayed. Available options are:

List type:

  • Lists+Related Lists – this UI action should be displayed on both lists and related lists.
  • Lists this UI action should be displayed on lists only.
  • Related Lists this UI action should be displayed on related lists only.

If Lists+Related Lists or Related Lists options are selected, then a set of checkboxes


appears where you can define on which related list types this UI action can be displayed. You can select more than one option.

These options display relation types between related list elements and the parent table.

For example: the User Criteria related list contains the Users field of the List type. This field is related with the Users (user) table, so this related field is of the List field type.

By selecting and unselecting appropriate checkboxes, you can place UI action you are creating on related list of corresponding type.



Reference field typeChild Categories related list on Menu Categories record form.
List field typeIndicator related list on Agreement record form.
Document ID field typeScript Log related list on Script form.
Scripted listTranslations related list on Column record form.
M2M typeUser Group, User Roles related lists on User record form.

Form buttons
Form StyleN


The style of buttons on the form view. Available options:

  • Unstyled
  • Primary
  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Secondary


Image Modified

Header LeftNButton in the form header on the left.
Header RightNButton in the form header on the right.
Hamburger MenuNContext menu item on the form.
Field Label Context MenuNAn item of the context menu for the fields on the form.
LinkNLink on the form.
BottomNButton at the bottom of the form.
List Buttons
List StyleN


The style of buttons on the form view. Available options:

  • Unstyled
  • Primary
  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Secondary.


Image Modified

Header LeftNButton in the list header on the left.
Header RightNButton in the list header on the right.
Hamburger MenuNA hamburger menu item on the list.
Column Header Context MenuNA context menu item for the elements of the list.
Row Context MenuNContext menu item on the list.
LinkNLink on the bottom of the list.
BottomNButton at the bottom of the list.
Button Context MenuNA context menu item for UI actions of the button type.
Dependency Map Context MenuNMenu item on the service model form.
UI action scripting

Use cases

Within UI action script, you can use some specific global methods allows expanding interaction possibilities. Use them to extend standard UI action functionality.

Example 1

When using the Wait Server Response option, you define to wait for the server response after clicking the button . All this time, between is clicked. The button is disabled between the button clicking and server responding, the button will be displayed disabled .

In this case, use Use the __resolveServerResponse() and __rejectServerResponse() methodsto make the UI action available again after the action is taken. For example:

Code Block
await s_i18n.getMessage('The report has been saved', (response) => {

Calling the Use the __resolveServerResponse() method in your UI actions allows to force the server respond, so, for example, you will do not have to wait until a button becomes for the button to become available.

The Use the __rejectServerResponse() method can be used for error handling as shown belowto handle errors.

Code Block
const table = s_list.getTablesName()[0];
const selectedRows = s_list.getCheckedRow(table);
if (!selectedRows.length) {
  await s_i18n.getMessage("No selected rows.", (translationResponse) => {

Example 2

The currentCell property is used on lists and provides service information about the current table cell. Information The information is provided formatted as in the format of an object containing the information about the cell information

Code Block
const rowRecordId = window.currentCell.recordId;
const rowTableName = window.currentCell.tableName;
if (rowRecordId) {`/record/${rowTableName}/${rowRecordId}`);


This property is available to use only on UI actions implementing Row Context Menu. To use it for the specified UI action, please navigate to its record form within the UI actions (sys_ui_action) dictionary, open the record and select this checkbox first on the Position and Style tab. After all changes, save the page.

To get this information manually, please complete the steps below:

  1. Open any list containing any values.
  2. Open developer console in your browser.
  3. Right-click on any cell to get a context menu.
  4. In the developer console, type window.currentCell and submit.

A type of an item from which information is gathered.

When a cell in list header is selected, then this field is populated with the value similar as the fieldName field.

columnIdID of the column to which the specified field is related.
columnTypeType of the column to which the specified field is related.
recordIdID of the record.
tableIdID of the table containing specified field and record.
tableNameSystem name of the table containing specified field and record.
valueCurrent cell value.

Example 3

In this example, we consider сonsider a case of bulk deletion of records that were selected on the list view.

For To do this, a currents object is used. It is intended to store selected records as SimpleRecord objects. This object can be used instead of the getCheckedRow() method on the server side. It is available for the server-side list UI actions.

The UI action code example is listed below:

Code Block
titleDelete Selected Records
if (currents.length) {
  const record = new SimpleRecord(currents[0].getTableName());
  record.addQuery('sys_id', 'in', => checkedRow.sys_id));
  ss.setRedirect(); // reload window
} else {
  ss.addErrorMessage('No selected rows.');

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