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 An incident can be created in three ways: 

Via the Self-Service Portal
portal creation
portal creation


This procedure implies that it is performed by an end-user.

To create an incident, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your Portal main page.
  2. Click Report an incident and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save

New incident form fields


Specify the urgency of the request. Typically, it is evaluated based on the time remaining until the incident impacts the business.
See the Priority Management article to learn more.

SubjectYAdd a brief description of the incident.
DescriptionNAdd a detailed description of the incident.

You can track the work process on the My Tickets page. To open the record of the incident, complete the following steps: 

  1. In the header, navigate to CabinetMy Tickets.

  2. Click My Incidents on the left.
  3. Check the state of the created incident

Also, you can see more information about the incident by clicking the number. 

Via the agent interface
agent creation
agent creation


This procedure implies that it is performed by a user with the ITSM_agent role.

To create an incident, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Incident Management → New.
  2. Fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

New incident form fields

The incident number has the INCXXXXXXX format and is populated automatically.

General tab

Specify the work state and progress of the incident.

See the Process Incidents article to learn more.

ResubmissionYThis field appears if the incident is in the Postponed state. Indicate the date and time when the work on the incident must be resumed.
External TaskN

The field appears on the form when the state is External Processing.Specify the task to do for the external company.

If the field is populated, it is displayed in other states.

The field appears on the form when the state is External Processing. If the field is populated, it is displayed in other states.

External CompanyN

The field appears on the form when the state is External Processing. Specify the company that works on the incident task externally.


The field appears on the form when the state is External Processing. If the field is populated, it is displayed in other states.




Measure the impact caused by the incident on the business processes.

See the Priority Management article to learn more.


Specify the urgency of the request. Typically, it is evaluated based on the time remaining until the incident impacts the business.

See the Priority Management article to learn more.


Identifies the importance of the incident. This field is populated automatically based on the value of the Impact and Urgency fields.

See the Priority Management article to learn more.

Assignment GroupY

Specify the group assigned to work on the incident.


When an incident is assigned to a group, the Assigned User field becomes non-mandatory. The same goes for other task objects, like change requests or service requests.

There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. To learn more, refer to Restrictions for assignment

Assigned UserY

Specify the person assigned to work on the incident.


When an incident is assigned to a user, the Assignment Group field becomes non-mandatory. The same goes for other task objects, like change requests or service requests.

There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. To learn more, refer to Restrictions for assignment

SubjectYAdd a brief description of the incident. After saving, the field is hidden on a form.
DescriptionNAdd a detailed description of the incident.
Steps to ReproduceNSpecify the steps to reproduce the incident.
ScreenshotNUpload screenshots supporting the incident, if any. 
Related CIsNSpecify the related configuration items affected by the incident.
CallerYSpecify the originator of the incident.
CompanyNSpecify the company to which the incident is related.
ServiceYSpecify the service affected by the incident.
Contact TypeY

Select the source from which the request is received. Available options:

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Self-service
Infrastructure IncidentNSelect this checkbox to create an infrastructure incident.
Major IncidentNSelect this checkbox to create a major incident.
Attention RequiredNSelect this checkbox to notify the line manager of the assigned group/assigned user.

Activity Feed 

This section appears after the incident is saved.
Additional CommentsN

Write a comment with additional information about the incident.

Work NotesN

Add any work notes that may be useful.

Related Records tab
Use this tab to create relationships between incidents and other types of tasks. See Create Records Related to Incidents to learn more.

Closure Information tab

This tab appears when the incident state is Completed. See Process Incidents to learn more.
Followers List
This field is populated automatically with a list of users who follow the incident for tracking the updates. This field is read-only.

Create an infrastructure incident

An infrastructure incident is an incident created by service agents of the 1st or the 2nd levels or by the integrated monitoring system.


An end-user cannot create an infrastructure incident. 

To create an infrastructure incident, complete the steps described above, but select the checkbox Infrastructure Incident.

When Infrastructure Incident is selected, the choice list in the Contact Type field is changed:

  • Monitoring
  • 1st level
  • 2nd level

In practice, incidents with Contact Type set to Monitoring can be automatically created by an integrated monitoring system via Monitoring and Event Management.

Create a major incident

A major incident is an incident of the highest impact and highest urgency. It affects a large number of users, depriving them of vital business functions. Major incidents have a separate procedure with shorter time scales. Generally, major incidents require a large number of people of various hierarchy levels to be involved.

To create a major incident, complete the steps described above, but select the checkbox Major Incident.

After creating it, a new tab, Chronology, will be displayed next to the Related Records tab.


When the checkbox Major Incident is selected, the Impact field value changes to Very High.

Create an incident from a user query 


Role requiredincident_manager.

A user query is an entity of a more abstract level than an incident. You can create an incident from a user query in the following way:

  1. Navigate to User Queries → All User Queries.
  2. Open the user query you want to create an incident from.
  3. Click the Incident button in the top-right corner of the form.


The Incident button might be absent if the incident has already created from this user query. In this case, the incident and the user query are linked to each other:

  • The reference to the incident is displayed in the Related Ticket field of the user query.
  • The reference to the user query is displayed in the Related Records tab of the incident.

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