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Role required: problem_manager.

To To create a new problem task, follow the steps below:

  1. Problem Problem Management → All Problem and open the required problem record.
  2. Scroll down to the Related Lists area.
  3. On On the Problem Task tab, click New button.
  4. Fill in the fields.
  5. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.



Tasks form description

The Number field is populated automatically and has the PBTXXXXXXX format.

NumberYAutomatically filled with the unique identifier of the PBTXXXXXXX format.

Contains a number of a related Problemthe related problem number.

To assign a particular another problem, click the magnifier icon and select a record a record from the list in a window that appeared..

SubjectNAdd a short description of the problem task. 
DescriptionStateNAdd a detailed description of the problem task.

Specify the work state and progress. Available Assign a Problem Task state selecting one of the following options:

  • Registered
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Canceled.

It is filled with the Registered state value by default.

Assignment GroupAssigned UserY

A Specify a user group responsible for performing this Problem Task.Click the magnifier icon, and select a User record from the list in a window appearedcompleting this problem task.


When an incident a problem task is assigned to a responsible usergroup, the the Assigned GroupUser field becomes non-mandatory. The same goes for other task objects, like change requests or service requests.

Assignment Group


Assigned UserY

A Specify a user group responsible for performing completing this Problem Task.

Click the magnifier icon, and select a Group record from the list in a window appeared.

It is automatically defined with the User's group when filling the Assigned User field. 

problem task.


When a problem task


When an incident is assigned to a responsible groupuser, the the Assigned User field Group field becomes non-mandatory. The same goes for other task objects, like change requests or service requests.

SubjectNMain information about the Problem Task topic.
DescriptionNDetailed information about the Problem Task.
Followers ListNIn here, users list who follow the task for tracking updates is displayed.

Related Information Tabs

Scroll down the Problem Task page to get to the related information area with the tabs below.


  • Additional Comments - comment and add clarifying information
  • Work Notes - make important notes related to work on the problem task.


  • Planned Start Date - plan a start date of working on the Problem Task
  • Planned End Date - plan an end date of working on the Problem Task
  • Actual Start Date - specifies the actual start date of working on the Problem Task
  • Actual End Date - specifies the actual end date of working on the Problem Task.

Closure Information:

  • Closure Notes - make notes about closing the issue. 

The area contains links related to a particular Problem task. For example, the Time Spent links to the Time Card specifying the time the user spent on this Problem Task.

Related Lists

The area keeps the users' Time Cards. To add a new record, click New, then fill in the Time Card form, and click Save to apply the changes.


Notes tab
Additional CommentsNAdd comments for the task.
Work NotesNAdd work notes that may be useful.
Schedule tab
Planned Start DatetimeNDate when the assigned person is supposed to start working on this task.
Planned End DatetimeNDate when the task should be in the Completed or Closed state.
Actual Start DatetimeNDate when the assigned person started working on this task. The agent should fill in this field.
Actual End DatetimeNDate when the assigned person finished working on this task. The agent should fill in this field.
Closure Information tab
Closure NotesNAdd information summarizing the task implementation.

Create a change request     


If resolving a problem requires to make a change in your system, you can create a Change Request managed with the Change Control Practice.change request.

To do so, in the hamburger menu Image Added, select Enter the Problem hamburger menu → Create Change and select one of the following options:

  • Standard changeChange
  • Normal changeChange
  • Emergency change.

Solved by Changes

When investigating the issue, in case of detection change requests that can solve the problem, register these relationships with the following features:

  1. Open the Problem record form and enter the Related Records tab on the Related Information area.
  2. Click the magnifier button next to the Solved by Changes field; the change requests list will appear.
  3. Select desired change requests from the list. You can choose more than item.
  4. On the problem form, click the Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Caused by Changes

When investigating the issue, in case of detection change requests that caused the problem, register these relationships with the following features:


  • Change

For more information on the change request types, see Change Types and State Models



Create relationships



Role required: problem_manager.
