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Create request tasks

If solving a service request requires the participation of different departments, an agent can create a request task for each of them. Dividing requests into tasks has several benefits, such as the ability to assign different request tasks to different employees and to get tasks done either simultaneously, or one after another. Service requests and request tasks are in the parent-child relationship.

To create a request task, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Service Request Management → All Service Requests.
  2. Open the service request you want to create a request task for.
  3. In the Related Lists area, select the Request Tasks tab and click New.
  4. Fill in the fields.
  5. Click click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

You can create as many requests tasks as you need.

Request Tasks form fields

This field is populated automatically with a list of users who follow the task for tracking the updates.  
NumberYThis field is populated automatically and has the RQTSKXXXXXXX format.
RequestYSpecify thethe the request that you want to divide into request tasks.
SubjectYAdd a brief description of the request task.
DescriptionNAdd a detailed description of the request task.

Shows the state of thethe the request task. Available options:

  • Registered - the state for a newly created request task. Possible transitions are In Progress, Cancelled, or Completed.
  • In Progress - the request task is in the process of implementation.
  • Waiting for Request Authorization - the request task has this state when the parent request has the State set to Authorization.
  • Cancelled - the work on the request task is cancelled.
  • Completed - the work on the request task is done.

  • Closed - the request is closed
    • Waiting for Request Authorization 
    • Registered 
    • In Progress 
    • Completed 

    • Cancelled
    • Closed 
    • The Waiting for Request Authorization state is displayed when the related service request is in the Authorization state. Once the service request is authorized, the task state changes to Registered.
    • The Closed state appears only when the request task is in the Completed state.

    Assignment GroupY

    Specify a responsible group to work on the request task.

    When a request task has been assigned to a responsible group, the Assigned User field  field becomes non-mandatory. 

    There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. Refer to the Task Auto Assignment article to learn more.

    Assigned UserY

    Specify a responsible user to work on the request task.


    When a request task has been assigned to a responsible user, the Assigned Group field becomes non-mandatory. 

    Followers ListN

    There is a dependency between the Assigned User and Assignment Group fields. Refer to the Task Auto Assignment article to learn more.

    Request task state model

    Image Added

    Create relationships

    You can create relationships between service requests and other types of tasks. To do so, complete the following steps:

    1. Navigate to Service Request Management → All Requests .Open and open the service request you want to work on.
    2. Scroll down to Open the Related Records tab.
    3. Click the magnifier icon next to the respective field.
    4. In the new window that appears, select choose the required itemnecessary option.
    5. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

    Relationship types

    Request TemplateTemplate that this request is based on.
    Level of Dependency

    Specify the level of dependency: Master or Slave. 

    Slave RequestSelect a child request that your request will be the parent of.
    Master RequestSelect a parent request that your request will be the child for.
    Solved by ChangesRequest can be solved by the changes specified.
    Related User QueryUser query related to the request.
    Related IncidentIncident related to the request.

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