Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


By clicking on the tabs under the input field, you can filter out the displayed information.


The displayed information can be filtered for specified users or user roles by using ACL functionality. Thereby, the activity feed view can differ for users granted different roles. For this, Create an ACL Rule for information filtering.


For securing fields allowing commenting records (such as Additional Comments or Work Notes), create an ACL rule for a corresponding column of the Journal Input type.

Otherwise, you may create an ACL rule that will restrict access to the Activity Types (sys_activity_type) table for specified roles.

AllThis section displays all field changes and all comments left to this record.
Work NotesThis section allows filtering out only work notes left to this record.
Additional CommentsThis section allows filtering out only additional comments left to this record.
HistoryThis section allows filtering out only record field changes.



You can use available column attributes on this page for more precise configuration. For example, turn on the Mandatory attribute to make the field mandatory to fill in.

Deactivating custom activity feed field


To perform this, please complete the steps below;



Custom activity feed field title displayed on the record form.


This field is of the Translated Text type, so you can define a title in all languages you need. To add a title for a language other than the default one, please complete the steps below:

  1. Open an activity type record to edit a title.
  2. Change interface language through the General Preferences menu on the right.
  3. Type the localized title value into the Title field.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

User-createdNThis checkbox is intended to distinguish custom activity types from OOB ones to be able to filter them out if needed.
ParentNA parent activity type. If this activity type is of the highest level, then this field value will be empty.
TableNA table or tables for which this field is enabled (for example, Task).
Journal input columnNA reference to the previously created column of the Journal Input type.
Title (plural)NSpecify a title plural form if needed.
Is VisibleNThis attribute is responsible for field visibility on the record form.
NameNThis field contains an activity system name and is populated automatically out of the table name and the journal input column name. 
OrderNSpecify the field order.
Title colorN

Specify a title color that is displayed in the comment form.

Title background colorN

Specify a title background color that is displayed in the comment form.


For example, settings like shown on the screenshot below

will cause a result as follows
