The SimpleForm API provides methods for customizing forms. These methods can be used on the client side only.
You can also use these methods to configure the dependencies between fields and values (for example, changing values in the fields or clear the fields).
Instantiates a new SimpleForm object.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
table | String | Y | N |
sys_id | String | Y | N |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | SimpleForm |
linenumbers | true |
const formObject = new SimpleForm(s_form.table, s_form.sysId); |
Type | Description |
Object | This method returns a form object. |
This method displays the error toast message in the bottom right corner.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
message | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | addErrorMessage |
linenumbers | true |
s_form.addErrorMessage('Need more information'); |
This method displays an informational toast message in the bottom right corner. The message is expirable, its expire period (in milliseconds) should be specified by second parameter.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
message | String | Y | N |
durationMilliseconds | Number | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | addInfoMessage |
linenumbers | true |
s_form.addInfoMessage('Record successfully created', 1000); |
This method adds a choice option to the end of the choice list field (if option with passed choiceValue defined for fieldName for current table options set).
Note |
Please note that this method is asynchronous; for better performing, use the await keyword like shown in the code example below. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
choiceValue | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | addOption |
linenumbers | true |
const states = ['-1', '0', '2', '5'];
states.forEach(stateValue => {
await s_form.addOption('state', stateValue);
} |
This method removes informational messages or error messages in the top of the form.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | clearMessages() |
linenumbers | true |
s_i18n.getMessage('End date time cannot be less than start date time', (response) => {
return false; // abort form submit
}); |
This method allows removing all options from the choice list.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | clearOptions |
linenumbers | true |
const choices =
"Phone": "10",
"Email": "20",
"Self-service": "30"
const choicesArray = Object.keys(choices);
choicesArray.forEach((choiceValue) => {
s_form.addOption('contact_type', choices[choiceValue]);
}); |
This method allows removing any value from any field.
It returns TRUE if it is able to clear the value from the field.
It returns FALSE in the following cases:
- if the column_type is either Boolean or Record Class;
- if the column_name is equal to 'sys_id';
- if the column_type is Choice and it does not have a default value.
If the method returns FALSE, then the field. will not be cleared.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns the boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) in the cases described above. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | clearValue |
linenumbers | true |
if (!s_form.getValue('sprint')) {
} |
This method returns the text value of the field label.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | The text of the label. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | getLabelOf |
linenumbers | true |
if (s_form.getValue('name').match(/[\/|_*]/g)) {
s_form.addErrorMessage(`Field "s_form.getLabelOf('name')" contains invalid characters.`);
} |
This method allows returning the array of the sections.
Type | Description |
Array of HTML elements | The form sections. |
This method allows returning the array which will contain the names of all sections, whether visible or not.
Type | Description |
Array of strings | Names of the sections |
Returns the unique ID (sys_id) of the record displayed on the form.
Type | Description |
String | Returns the record ID; otherwise, returns NULL. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | getUniqueValue |
linenumbers | true |
const sysId = s_form.getUniqueValue();
const currentRecord = new SimpleRecord(s_form.table);
currentRecord.get(sysId, ()=> {
if (currentRecord.type == 'unavailable') {
return false; // abort form submit
}); |
Returns the internal (written down to the database) value of the specified field.
Warning |
IsDisplayValue parameter was maintained in earlier versions but has been deprecated from version 1.1 and no longer valid. Avoid using it in your scripts. To get a displayed value of a field, use the s_form.getDisplayValue method. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns the internal (written down to the database) value of the specified field. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | getValue |
linenumbers | true |
const callerId = s_form.getValue('caller_id');
if (!callerId) {
const callerRecord = new SimpleRecord('employee');
callerRecord.get(callerId, ()=> {
if (!!callerRecord.sys_id &&
callerRecord.personal_schedule) {
s_form.setValue('schedule', callerRecord.personal_schedule);
} else {
s_form.addInfoMessage('Users schedule is not defined');
} |
This method returns the displayed value of the field.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | The displayed value of the specified field. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | getDisplayValue |
linenumbers | true |
s_form.addInfoMessage(`Service "${s_form.getDisplayValue('service')}" is no available`); |
This method , as opposed to the s_form.showFieldMsg() method, allows to hide informational or error messages on the specified form fieldgets the displayable REM attribute value.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
Void | This method does not return a valueString | Method returns attribute displayable value; otherwise, it returns NULL. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | hideFieldMsggetREMDisplayValue |
linenumbers | true |
| if (!!
getValue'state')) {
This message gets the plain text value of the REM attribute label.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
This method allows hiding all related lists on the form.
Void does not return a value.returns string containing attribute label value; otherwise, returns NULL. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | hideRelatedListgetREMLabelOf |
linenumbers | true |
| if (
getValue('type') == 'internal') {
This method gets the attribute value
This method allows hiding the specified related list on the form.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
Void does not return a valuereturns the current attribute object. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | hideRelatedListgetREMValue |
linenumbers | true |
| if (
getValue'type') == 'external') {
This method, as opposed to the s_form.
}If the record was never saved then this method returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.) method, allows to hide informational or error messages on the specified form field
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
input | String | Y | N |
Boolean | If the record was never saved then this method returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSEVoid | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | isNewRecordhideFieldMsg |
linenumbers | true |
if (!!s_form.isNewRecordgetValue('state')) {
s_form.setValuehideFieldMsg('state', 'new');
s_form.setReadOnly('state', true);
} |
This method returns TRUE if the section is visible; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Nameallows hiding all related lists on the form.
MandatoryDefault Value | sectionName | string | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns TRUE if the section is visible; otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | hideRelatedList |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | getSectionNames |
linenumbers | true |
if (s_form.isSectionVisiblegetValue('Instructionstype') == 'internal') {
s_form.addInfoMessage('Check out the "Instructions" section', 5000hideRelatedLists();
} |
removeOptionfieldName, choiceValue
This method removes the selected option from the listallows hiding the specified related list on the form.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | removeOptionhideRelatedList |
linenumbers | true |
const serviceId = if (s_form.getValue('servicetype');
if (!!serviceId == 'external') {
const service = new SimpleRecord('sys_cmdb_ci_service');
service.get(serviceId, ()=> {
if (service.business_criticality > '1') {
s_form.removeOption('impact', 'low');
} |
If the record was never saved then this method returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Type | Description |
Boolean | If the record was never saved then this method returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | isNewRecord |
linenumbers | true |
if (!!s_form.isNewRecord()) {
s_form.removeOptionsetValue('urgencystate', 'lownew');
}s_form.setReadOnly('state', true);
} |
This method saves the record without going away (just updating).returns TRUE if the section is visible; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
sectionName | string | Y | N |
ObjectBoolean | This method returns |
a promise containing specific dataTRUE if the section is visible; otherwise, it returns FALSE. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
firstlinetitle | savegetSectionNames |
linenumbers | true |
if (s_form.saveisSectionVisible('Instructions').finally(__resolveServerResponse);) {
s_form.addInfoMessage('Check out the "Instructions" section', 5000);
} |
setLabelOf value
This method sets the text value of the field labelremoves the selected option from the list.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setLabelOfremoveOption |
linenumbers | true |
if (s_form.table == 'user') {
const serviceId = s_form.setLabelOfgetValue('emailservice', 'Email');
} elseif (!!serviceId) {
const service s_form.setLabelOf('email', 'Personal Email');
} |
This method allows making the specified section mandatory. Use UI policy instead of this method if possible.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
sectionName | String | Y | N |
mandatory | Boolean | Y | N |
= new SimpleRecord('sys_cmdb_ci_service');
service.get(serviceId, ()=> {
if (service.business_criticality > '1') {
s_form.removeOption('impact', 'low');
s_form.removeOption('urgency', 'low');
} |
This method saves the record without going away (just updating).
Type | Description |
Object | This method returns a promise containing specific data. |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
titlefirstline | setSectionMandatorysave |
linenumbers | true |
if (s_form.getValuesave('state') == '7') { // Completed
s_form.setSectionDisplay('Closure Information', true);
s_form.setSectionMandatory('Closure Information', true);
s_form.setMandatory('closure_code', true);
s_form.setMandatory('closure_notes', true);
} |
This method allows making the specified field mandatory. Use UI policy instead of this method if possible.
).finally(__resolveServerResponse); |
This method sets the text value of the field label.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setMandatorysetLabelOf |
linenumbers | true |
const mandatoryColumn =if (scriptTypes_form.table == 'onChangeuser') ||{
scriptType == s_form.setLabelOf('email', 'onCellEditEmail');
} else {
s_form.setMandatorysetLabelOf('column_idemail', 'Personal mandatoryColumnEmail');
} |
setReadOnlyfieldName readOnly
This method allows making the specified field read-only or editable.Use section mandatory. Use UI policy instead of this method if possible.
To make a mandatory field read-only, formerly make it non-mandatory using the setMandatory() method.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setReadOnlysetSectionMandatory |
linenumbers | true |
if (!!s_form.getValue('any_tablesstate') == '7') { // Completed
s_form.setReadOnlysetSectionDisplay('table_idClosure Information', true);
s_form.setMandatorysetSectionMandatory('table_idClosure Information', falsetrue);
s_form.setVisiblesetMandatory('table_idclosure_code', true);
s_form.setMandatory('closure_notes', falsetrue);
} |
setSectionDisplaysectionName display
This method allows to show or hide a sectionmaking the specified field mandatory. Use UI policy instead of this method if possible.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setSectionDisplaysetMandatory |
linenumbers | true |
if (s_form.getValue('state')const mandatoryColumn == '7') { // Completed
s_form.setSectionDisplay('Closure Information', true);
s_form.setSectionMandatory('Closure Information', true);
(scriptType == 'onChange' || scriptType == 'onCellEdit');
s_form.setMandatory('closurecolumn_codeid', truemandatoryColumn);
setMandatory('closure_notes', true);
} else {
s_form.setMandatory('closure_code', false);
s_form.setMandatory('closure_notes', false);
s_form.setSectionDisplay('Closure Information', false);
s_form.setSectionMandatory('Closure Information', false);
This method allows making the specified field read-only or editable.
Use UI policy instead of this method if possible.
To make a mandatory field read-only, formerly make it non-mandatory using the setMandatory() method.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
readOnly | Boolean | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setReadOnly |
linenumbers | true |
if (!!s_form.getValue('any_tables')){
s_form.setReadOnly('table_id', true);
s_form.setMandatory('table_id', false);
s_form.setVisible('table_id', false);
} |
This method allows to show or hide a section.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
sectionName | String | Y | N |
display | Boolean | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setSectionDisplay |
linenumbers | true |
if (s_form.getValue('state') == '7') { // Completed
s_form.setSectionDisplay('Closure Information', true);
s_form.setSectionMandatory('Closure Information', true);
s_form.setMandatory('closure_code', true);
s_form.setMandatory('closure_notes', true);
} else {
s_form.setMandatory('closure_code', false);
s_form.setMandatory('closure_notes', false);
s_form.setSectionDisplay('Closure Information', false);
s_form.setSectionMandatory('Closure Information', false);
} |
This method sets the field value.
Warning |
IsDisplayValue parameter has been maintained in earlier versions but will be deprecated after version 1.1. Avoid using it in your scripts. |
Note |
Use s_form.clearValue() method for field clearing instead of setting an empty string value. Also please note that this method is asynchronous; for better performing, use the await keyword like shown in the code example below. |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
value | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setValue |
linenumbers | true |
if (!!s_form.isNewRecord()) {
s_form.setValue('name', 'Name created by system');
} |
This method allows changing the displayable attribute label.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
value | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
String | This method returns new value of the attribute label. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setREMLabelOf |
linenumbers | true |
This method allows to make a field specified by REM attribute mandatory.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
mandatory | Boolean | Y | 'true' |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns "true" if its execution has been successful; otherwise, it returns "false". |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setREMMandatory |
linenumbers | true |
This method allows to make a field specified by REM attribute read-only.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
readonly | Boolean | Y | 'true' |
Type | Description |
Boolean | This method returns "true" if its execution has been successful; otherwise, it returns "false". |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setREMReadOnly |
linenumbers | true |
This method allows to set a value of the REM attribute label.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
databaseValue | Object | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setREMValue |
linenumbers | true |
This method allows to define visibility of the field specified by REM attribute
This method sets the field value.
Warning |
IsDisplayValue parameter has been maintained in earlier versions but will be deprecated after version 1.1. Avoid using it in your scripts. |
Note |
Use s_form.clearValue() method for field clearing instead of setting an empty string value.
Also please note that this method is asynchronous; for better performing, use the await keyword like shown in the code example below.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setValuesetREMvisible |
linenumbers | true |
| if (!!s_form.isNewRecord()) {
s_form.setValue('name', 'Name created by system');
} |
This method allows making a field visible or hidden.
If the field is hidden, then the space is left blank. This method cannot hide mandatory field without any value.
Use UI policy instead of this method if possible.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
display | Boolean | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | setVisible |
linenumbers | true |
s_form.setVisible('chronology', !s_form.isNewRecord()); |
This method displays a message under the specified form field. Possible type values - 'info', 'error', or 'warning'.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
fieldName | String | Y | N |
message | String | Y | N |
type | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | showFieldMsg |
linenumbers | true |
s_form.showFieldMsg('subject', 'Cannot be empty', 'info'); |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | showFieldMsg |
linenumbers | true |
s_form.showFieldMsg('subject', 'Cannot be empty', 'warning'); |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | showFieldMsg |
linenumbers | true |
s_form.showFieldMsg('subject', 'Cannot be empty', 'error'); |
This method allows displaying all lists related to the form.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
This method allows displaying the specified lists related to the form.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value |
listTitle | String | Y | N |
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |
Code Block |
language | js |
theme | Eclipse |
title | showRelatedList |
linenumbers | true |
s_form.showRelatedList('UI Action'); |
This method allows to submit the record form.
Type | Description |
Void | This method does not return a value. |