- Navigate to System Definition → All tables;.
- In the Name field type 'incident' to filter the tables containing this word;.
- Click on the 'incident' table;.
- Scroll the page down to the 'Column' tab;.
- Find the row containing the column name where you want to create a new option, and click on the table name in that row;.
- Click New and fill in the form:
- Hint - brief hint for the category. This field is not mandatory;.
- Value - the stored category or subcategory name.
- Table - the table where the category will be stored. Please select 'Incidents';.
- Column - the column where the category will be stored. Consider using 'category' for the category or 'subcategory' for the subcategory. This field fills automatically;.
- Title - the displayed category name.
- Order - here you can specify the category position in the choice list.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to the System Definition → All tables;.
- In the Name field type 'incident' to filter the tables containing this word;.
- Click on the table 'incident';.
- Scroll the page down to the 'Column' tab;.
- Find the row containing the column name where you want to delete an option, and click on the table name in that row;.
- Find the category or subcategory you want to delete and click on it;.
- Click the Delete form button at the top of the page to delete the category or subcategory.